Home Bulls Know how to recognize the symptoms of an anxiety attack and what to do

Know how to recognize the symptoms of an anxiety attack and what to do


The anxiety crisis is a time when the feeling of anguish and insecurity increases in order to leave the individual out of control with the feeling that some misfortune must happen to him or to the people important to him.

When an anxiety attack sets in, what you can do is try to organize your thoughts quickly and avoid thinking of the worst to prevent a panic attack.

Symptoms of an anxiety attack

Check the symptoms below and find out if you may be experiencing an anxiety attack:

  1. 1. Did you feel nervous, anxious or on edge? Yes No
  2. 2. Did you feel that you were easily tired? Yes No
  3. 3. Did you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep? Yes No
  4. 4. Did you find it difficult to stop feeling worried? Yes No
  5. 5. Did you find it difficult to relax? Yes No
  6. 6. Did you feel so worried that it was difficult to stay still? Yes No
  7. 7. Did you feel easily irritable or upset? Yes No
  8. 8. Did you feel afraid as if something very bad was going to happen? Yes No

These symptoms occur due to the increase in the hormone adrenaline in the bloodstream, which is normal when the individual faces an important moment for him, but if these symptoms become constant, the individual may be suffering from generalized anxiety that must be treated properly. with psychoanalysis sessions and sometimes taking medication to calm down. See all the physical and psychological symptoms that anxiety can cause here.

What to do in an anxiety attack

Treatment for anxiety attacks depends on the severity and constancy of the symptoms generated. If they make life difficult for the individual or those around them, it is advisable to seek medical help, as this disorder can be treated with different types of therapies such as acupuncture, self-help sessions, self-awareness and, in some cases, doctor may indicate taking medications for a certain period of time.

Knowing how to fight anxiety is as important as knowing how to prevent it from occurring, so a good tip is to write down all the factors that can trigger an anxiety crisis and try to avoid them as much as possible. It is recommended to perform a good assessment of the pace of life, studies, work, family and then adopt a new lifestyle, opting for less stressful situations, which will certainly cause less anxiety.

How to distinguish an anxiety attack from a heart attack

There are some similarities between the symptoms of an anxiety attack and a heart attack, so it is important to know how to distinguish these symptoms, in order to avoid becoming even more anxious with the worry of what may be happening.

Generally, during an anxiety attack, there is a reason for the person to have these symptoms, such as going through a relationship, arguing with someone, or presenting something in public, for example, and the chest pain is less intense than in a infarction situation. In addition, after some time has passed since the onset of the anxiety crisis, the symptoms disappear, and the body begins to relax, while during a heart attack, the symptoms tend to get worse over time.

Watch the following video, in which the differences between the symptoms of an anxiety attack and a heart attack are explained in more detail, and learn how to distinguish them:

Know how to recognize the symptoms of an anxiety attack and what to do