
Doppler ultrasound is the test that assesses the blood flow of veins and arteries in the body. Some of the most common exams are leg doppler, obstetric, thyroid, aorta or carotid, for example. Know when to do it, what the exam shows and the necessary care.
Amorphous urate is a type of crystal that can appear in urine with acidic pH or that has been cooled, being identified by examining type 1 urine. See what is amorphous urate, how to identify it, what it can cause and how to treat it
Uremia is a syndrome caused by the accumulation of urea in the blood, usually due to kidney failure. Vomiting, weakness and drowsiness are some of the symptoms that can appear with this condition. See more about what it means to be with uremia, the main symptoms and how it can be ...
The drain, which is a small tube that helps the liquid out should only be removed when it stops draining and removing the drain does not cause pain, only discomfort.
When the urine is red or slightly red, it usually indicates the presence of blood, however, there are other causes, such as the ingestion of beets, which can cause this change in color. See what are the most common causes and what to do.
Pressure ulcers are sores that appear on the skin of people who are usually bedridden. Understand what it is, what are its stages of evolution and what are the essential nursing care
Urobilinogen is a product of the degradation of bilirubin by bacteria present in the intestine, which is carried into the blood and excreted by the kidney. However, when there is a large amount of bilirubin produced, there is an increase in the concentration of urobilinogen in the intestine and, ...
Ultrasound of the abdomen is indicated to view organs in this region, such as liver, spleen, kidneys and pancreas. Better understand how it is done, when it can be ordered and how to prepare correctly
The urease test is a laboratory test performed to identify several bacteria, including Helicobacter pylori. Understand how the urease test is done
Bloody urine may indicate diseases such as kidney stones or urinary tract infections, and it is important that tests be done to identify the cause and start treatment. Know the main causes of blood in the urine and what to do
When the urine has a strong and unpleasant smell or a very dark color, such as brown or yellow, it can be a sign of several health problems such as dehydration, urinary tract infection or diabetes. See the most common causes and what to do in each one
Analgesics, which are medicines used to reduce pain, can be dangerous for the patient when their use is longer than 3 months or an exaggerated amount of the drug is ingested, which can lead to dependence, for example. However, some painkillers have at the same time ...
The low uterus can cause discomfort and pain in the lower back or during intercourse, and must be diagnosed and treated to avoid complications. Find out what are the main causes of low uterus, symptoms and what can be the low cervix in pregnancy.
To keep hunger away for longer, you can use tricks like including protein and fiber in every meal. See 5 other easy tips.
Although the appearance of green urine is not very common, it is also generally not indicative of a serious condition. See what are the most common causes and when it may be a sign of a health problem. Also understand what to do in each case
The bicornuate uterus is a congenital anomaly in which the uterus, which is usually pear-shaped, has an abnormal morphology. See what it consists of, what are the causes, symptoms, treatment and how pregnancy occurs in women with this malformation
Excretory urography is a diagnostic test that serves to assess the structure and functioning of the urinary system, when there is a suspicion of renal masses, such as tumors, stones or genetic abnormalities, for example. Find out how the exam is done and how to do the necessary preparation.
The cancer vaccine is a therapeutic strategy that has been studied for a long time, and which aims to stimulate the immune system so that it is able to recognize tumor cells. Learn more about this vaccine that is still in the testing phase.
The chickenpox vaccine, also known as chickenpox, has the function of protecting the person against the chickenpox virus, preventing the development or worsening of the disease. see more
Imaging exams are often requested by the doctor to help diagnose and define treatment, but they have different indications and applications. Know the difference between ultrasound, X-ray, tomography and scintigraphy and when each is requested.
The vaccine against the HIV virus is in the study phase, being researched by scientists worldwide. Understand why HIV does not yet have an effective vaccine and the barriers encountered so far.
Hepatitis C is a type of viral hepatitis that can be combated through medication and preventive measures, such as avoiding the sharing of syringes and needles, using condoms in all relationships and avoiding contact with contaminated blood, as there is no vaccine. Learn more about ...
Cotton oil is rich in vitamin E and omega-3, acting in the body as a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. See the benefits and how to use.
Pediatric varicocele is relatively common and affects about 15% of male children and adolescents. This condition occurs due to a dilation of the veins of the testicles, which leads to an accumulation of blood in that location, which can cause infertility. See what causes, symptoms and ...
Vaccination of the elderly includes vaccines such as flu, pneumococcus, yellow fever and herpes zoster. Check out which others are recommended by the Elderly Vaccination Calendar, as well as when to take it and who to avoid
The bicuspid aortic valve is a congenital heart disease, which can occur in anyone. See who is most at risk, how to identify this change and how treatment is done
What it is: Smallpox is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by the virus belonging to the genus Orthopoxvirus, which can be transmitted through droplets of saliva or sneeze, for example. Upon entering the body, this virus grows and multiplies within the cells, taking ...
Varicose veins in the stomach can be severe, so they deserve special care to avoid complications such as bleeding. Gastric varicose veins are formed by increased pressure in the portal vein, mainly due to cirrhosis of the liver. Learn how to identify this problem and what to do to cure it.
Varicose veins are dilated veins that can be seen under the skin that cause pain and discomfort. See how the treatment for varicose veins is done and what are the main symptoms and possible complications.
The blood count reference values ​​may vary according to the person's gender and age, in addition to varying according to the laboratory and the collection techniques. See what the normal blood count reference values ​​are
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is the most common type of vertigo, especially in the elderly, and it is characterized by the onset of dizziness at times like getting out of bed, turning over in sleep or looking up quickly.
Taking worm medicine and using vermifuge ointment are the best forms of treatment to remove the dog's worm from human skin.
Veganism is a movement that has the principle of not using food or animal products in order to preserve life and combat ill-treatment in animals. Understand what veganism is and what the advantages and disadvantages
Vitamin P

Vitamin P

Vitamin P was considered a set of bioflavonoids, because all substances with vitamin P activity are derived from flavones. These substances are a group of compounds that contribute to the maintenance of normal blood vessel conditions by decreasing the ...
The blood test is a type of test that can be ordered by the doctor to confirm the presence of some types of cancer, since there are substances produced by the cells or by the tumor itself, known as tumor markers, which are present in high concentrations when ...
Videolaryngoscopy is an image exam in which the oral cavity and larynx are visualized to identify possible changes indicative of disease. Understand what it is, when it is indicated and how videolaryngoscopy is performed