
Victoza is a drug indicated for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, which has been used as a slimming product. Find out more about how the medicine works, its indications and the health risks it may have
Videolaparoscopy serves as a diagnostic test or surgical technique and is used mainly to diagnose endometriosis. Find out more indications, the price, the preparation for the exam, how is the recovery and the possible complications that may arise
Vertigo means that there is a shift in the center of the ear or brain balance. Check how to identify the causes and learn how to differentiate from dizziness
Find out everything you can do to avoid getting a virus if someone is sick nearby.
During a virus, symptoms such as vomiting, poor appetite, stomach pain and diarrhea are common, so nutritional treatment consists of maintaining good hydration, as well as eating small amounts of food several times a day and maintaining a diet. easy ...
What it is: Vitamin B12, also called cobalamin, is a vitamin of the B complex, essential for the health of the blood and nervous system. This vitamin is easily found in common foods such as eggs or cow's milk, but supplementation may be necessary in cases of patients with ...
Vitamin B5, also called pantothenic acid, performs functions in the body such as producing cholesterol, hormones and red blood cells. Know how much to consume.
Niacin or vitamin B3 performs functions in the body such as improving blood circulation, relieving migraines and lowering cholesterol. See more.
Vitamin B2 plays a role in the body such as stimulating energy production and maintaining eye and nervous system health. See how much to consume.
Vitamin D strengthens your muscles, helps you lose weight and fights autoimmune diseases
Vitamin B6 decreases nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and also decreases the risk of postpartum depression and although it is found in bananas, it can be taken as a supplement.
Blurred vision is a relatively common symptom, especially in people who have a vision problem, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness. However, it can also be a sign of more serious problems such as conjunctivitis, cataracts or even diabetes. See how to identify each cause and what to do
The color of the vomit may indicate the person's health status, and may be yellow, green or black. See what to do and what can be yellow, green or black vomit
Some people live with only one kidney, which can happen for several reasons. However, these people can have a healthy life, but for that they must take some care. See what precautions to take and which exams to perform regularly
Vulvoscopy is an examination that allows the visualization of the woman's intimate region in a range 10 to 40 times greater, showing changes that cannot be seen with the naked eye.
The nasal voice usually happens when one is in the habit of speaking the wrong way, unbalancing the way the air leaves the lungs. To correct this, it is important to go to the speech therapist but there are also exercises that can be done at home. See some examples and how to do it
Vitamins are organic substances that the body needs in small amounts, which are essential for the functioning of the body. Know what they are for, what foods to eat and what the consequences of your lack
The mean corpuscular volume refers to the size of the red blood cells and can be identified in the blood picture with the acronym VCM. Its normal value is between 80 and 100 fl.
Vitamin E is an important vitamin, which helps to regulate cholesterol, improve skin and hair health, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action.
Bloody vomiting, or hematemesis, may be indicative of esophageal varices, gastritis and even cancer. For this reason, it is important to seek medical help as soon as blood leaks out of the mouth. Learn more about blood vomiting and main causes
Wuchereria bancrofti is a parasite capable of causing lymphatic filariasis, which is an infectious disease popularly known as elephantiasis characterized by swelling in the leg or arm and muscle pain. Discover the life cycle of Wuchereria bancrofti, how the diagnosis is made and how ...
Vitamin K has functions such as participating in blood clotting and strengthening bones. See more and know where to find this vitamin in food
Zinc fights depression, facilitates healing and improves the health of hair, nails and skin. Check out more health benefits of this mineral, how to consume it and how to know if you have a lack of zinc
Although it is not yet known exactly what is leading to the increase in microcephaly cases in northeastern Brazil and also in other countries, it is believed that this disease is related to the Zika virus, although there are also rumors that it may be related to vaccination against ...