
Hepatitis A is easily fought by the body itself, but to speed recovery it is important to rest, drink plenty of water and have a light and easily digestible diet. See how treatment for hepatitis A should be
The treatment of choice for scarlet fever is a single dose of penicillin injection, but other antibiotics, such as amoxicillin, amoxicillin with clavulanate, can also be used. Know when the treatment takes effect and when to go back to school or work
Treatment for urinary tract infection is usually done using antibiotics prescribed by a doctor, such as Ciprofloxacino or Fosfomycin, to eliminate excess bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, that are causing the infection. However, there are also some home remedies, ...
Treatment for hepatitis B varies according to the symptoms and stage of the disease, and it may be necessary to use medications throughout life. Understand how treatment is done for each type of hepatitis B
Treatment for nervous gastritis involves the use of antacid and sedative medications, changes in eating habits and regular physical activity. Nervous gastritis can also be treated with the help of natural remedies, such as chamomile, passion fruit and lavender teas, ...
Spinal fracture is a serious problem that can cause permanent paralysis of the legs or body. This type of fracture is usually caused by traffic accidents, falls from a height or serious accidents in sports. Understand what are the treatment options and which ...
Use of antibiotics is essential for treatment but painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are also indicated. See what can happen if you don't treat
The treatment for lichen planus is indicated by a dermatologist and can be done through the use of antihistamine remedies, such as hydroxyzine or desloratadine, ointments with corticosteroids and phototherapy. Learn more about treatment options for this disease
There are several drugs and ways to treat labyrinthitis, which vary according to the type of disease and symptoms. Find out what is best.
Treatment for childhood urinary incontinence, also called enuresis, which is the involuntary and repeated loss of urine after 5 years of age, during the day or during the night, can be done with: Urinary alarms, which are devices that have a sensor that is placed on the panties or ...
The treatment for low back pain can be done with medicines, stretches, thermal bags and exercises. Learn how to perform the treatment and get rid of the pain.
Generally, treatment for viral meningitis can be done at home, with drugs to relieve pain and lower fever. See signs of improvement and worsening.
Treatment for infectious mumps, a disease also known as mumps, is aimed at reducing symptoms, since there are no specific drugs to eliminate the virus that causes the disease. The patient must be kept at rest for the entire period of ...
The symptoms of mastitis involve intense pain in the breast, breasts full of milk, red, swollen and painful. Its treatment can be done with anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. Learn more details to get healed faster.
Treatment for mononucleosis is based on the relief of symptoms of fever, pain and whitish spots in the throat and severe tiredness. In this way, anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics can be prescribed by the general practitioner or pediatrician. Learn more about other treatment options ...
Generally, treatment for meningitis depends on the type of microorganism that caused the disease and, therefore, should be started as soon as possible. See how it's done
Dislocation treatment should be started as soon as possible in the hospital and, therefore, when it happens, it is recommended to go immediately to the emergency room or call an ambulance, calling 192. See what to do in: First aid for dislocation. Dislocation can happen in ...
Generally the treatment for oxyurus is done with the use of antiparasitic drugs, such as Albendazole, prescribed by the doctor. See the names of the most used drugs and some natural options to eliminate this type of intestinal worm.
Know what to eat on a daily basis and the exercises you need to do to have strong and healthy bones.
The treatment in case of cerebral palsy should be done for life and includes the use of drugs, surgery and physical therapy. See how it can be done.
Treatment for Bell's palsy can be done with medication, physiotherapy or surgery, but other options also seem to be used to accelerate recovery and improve a person's self-esteem. See what they are.
Treatment for diabetic foot should start as soon as the person is diagnosed with diabetes, to prevent the appearance of wounds and avoid serious complications, such as generalized infections or amputation, for example. So, people with diabetes, especially those who have higher ...
Learn all the treatment options to cure Morton's Neuroma and end the instep pain permanently.
Obesity in children or adolescents can be eliminated with changes in attitude, healthy daily food and exercise, which are strategies that must be maintained throughout life
Polio is an infection, more frequent in children and babies, which can cause paralysis when not properly treated. See what treatment options are available and what are the possible consequences.
There are ways to stop excessive sweating on your hands, such as antiperspirants or botox. Know the other treatment options.
Treatment for acute myeloid leukemia varies according to the characteristics of the disease, however, it is mainly based on chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation. See other treatment options
Treatment for rheumatism may include taking medication, using ointments, corticosteroid infiltration, and physiotherapy sessions, which are essential for successful treatment. See more options here
The treatment for clubfoot, which is when the baby is born with 1 or 2 feet turned inwards, should be done as soon as possible, in the first weeks after birth, to avoid permanent deformities in the child's foot. When done correctly, there are chances of the child ...
The treatment for Proteus Syndrome, which is a disease characterized by overgrowth of the skin and other tissues, must be individualized and chosen by the doctor according to the patient's general health. Proteus Syndrome has no cure, but there are some ...
The treatment for toxoplasmosis is done through the use of antibiotic drugs, such as spiramycin, which eliminates the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii from the individual's body. Toxoplasmosis is very common, affecting about 80% of the population, but it is not always severe or presents ...
To treat the metabolic syndrome, it is necessary to adopt healthy habits, and it may be necessary to use medicines. Find out what options the doctor indicates
The treatments most used to treat Guillain-Barré Syndrome mainly include the use of intravenous immunoglobulin or the realization of therapeutic plasmapheresis sessions. See how treatments work, possible complications and signs of improvement
Banana smoothie with Brazil nuts, orange juice with carrots or supplements like Pantogar are options to treat hair loss in the postpartum period.
Using ice, anti-inflammatories, splints to immobilize and undergo physical therapy are some of the treatment resources for tendonitis. See more details here.
Taking medications like Paracetamol for pain and fever relief, rest and a lot of hydration are some of the recommendations for the treatment of Measles. Check out more necessary care
To treat hiccups, there are pharmacy remedies or homemade options, used according to the needs of each person. Learn how to treat.
The treatment for Achilles tendon rupture can be done with immobilization or surgery, being the most suitable surgery for young people who practice physical activity regularly and who need to return to training as soon as possible. Immobilization is the treatment of choice for ...