
The treatment for worms should be done with the use of anti-parasitic remedies and hygiene care to prevent the transmission of the disease. See how the worms should be treated
Treatment for Sjögren's syndrome is done with natural remedies or alternatives to reduce symptoms of dry eyes and mouth. Know how.
Taking analgesic and anticoagulant drugs, applying ointment or having surgery are some treatments to cure hemorrhoidal thrombosis. See the other options and even a natural solution to relieve pain
Teniasis is an intestinal infection caused by Tapeworm, also known as \ "solitary tail \". See which remedies are most used to eliminate this worm and what to do in more severe situations of cysticercosis
During a moment of dizziness or vertigo, what should be done is to keep your eyes open and look fixedly at a point in front of you. But there are exercises and maneuvers that can cure crises, see what they are and how to do them.
Ringing in the ear (tinnitus) can be treated with medications, sound therapies and dietary changes. Learn the main options of what to do to end this discomfort
Head trauma is an injury to the skull caused by head trauma, which can reach the brain and cause symptoms such as bleeding in the head, fainting or memory loss. Learn more about the types, treatment options and what are the sequels
Spinal trauma is an injury that occurs in the spine and damages the spinal cord, which can lead to paraplegia or quadriplegia. Know the characteristic signs and symptoms and what the treatment consists of
Trichotomy is a pre-surgical procedure that aims to remove hair to prevent infections after surgery. Understand what surgical trichotomy is and what it is for.
Triglyceride is the smallest particle of fat circulating in the blood and has a function of storage and supply of energy in the event of prolonged fasting or inadequate nutrition. See what the reference values ​​are and what high or low triglyceride can mean.
Essential tremor causes tremors in the hands and arms, which can be mistaken for Parkinson's. Understand the differences and how to treat.
What it is: Tryptophan is an essential amino acid, that is, that the organism cannot produce, and must be obtained from food. This amino acid helps to synthesize serotonin, known as the "pleasure hormone", melatonin and niacin and is therefore associated with the treatment and ...
Trichuriasis is an intestinal infection caused by the parasite Trichuris trichiura, which can be cured with the proper treatment. Learn how to identify trichuriasis and how treatment is done
Triglyceride is a type of fat in the blood that can cause disease. Use our online calculator and find out if you are at risk of having a heart attack.
Trichinosis is a parasitic infection caused by the parasite Trichinella spiralis, which can cause people abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, for example. See the main symptoms, how is the treatment done and what is the life cycle of the larvae
Not only does Parkinson's cause tremor, but also several other conditions, such as essential tremor, anxiety, and medication use. See how to differentiate
Essential thrombocythemia is a hematological disease characterized by an increase in platelets in the blood. Know the symptoms of essential thrombocythemia and how the diagnosis and treatment is made
Ganglionic tuberculosis affects the ganglia, usually in the neck, armpits or groin, and causes symptoms such as low fever, tiredness and weight loss, as well as a small lump in the affected region. Its treatment is done with antibiotics for 6 months. Learn about symptoms, diagnosis, how to ...
Bone tuberculosis in the spine, also called Pott's disease, is the most common type of extrapulmonary tuberculosis and can affect several vertebrae at the same time, causing severe and disabling symptoms. Its treatment includes antibiotics, physiotherapy and sometimes surgery
Tuberculosis is contagious, and can be transmitted by pulmonary secretions and unpasteurized foods. Learn how to identify the symptoms and treat this disease.
Hemorrhoidal thrombosis occurs when a hemorrhoid ruptures, with the formation of thrombi that can cause severe pain and swelling of the anal area. Find out what are the main symptoms of hemorrhoidal thrombosis and its causes.
The thyroid can be assessed through blood tests, such as hormones (TSH, T4, T3) or antibodies, ultrasound, scintigraphy, biopsy and self-examination. Know what each one is for and when to do it
Bone tuberculosis can affect the spine, hip or knee, causing severe pain and difficulty in moving. Treatment is done with antibiotics and physical therapy
Wilms' tumor is a rare type of cancer that appears most often in children aged 3 years and is characterized by kidney damage. Better understand what it is, what the symptoms, causes and how is the treatment for this type of tumor
An arterial ulcer is a very painful wound that usually appears on the leg and that takes time to heal. Understand how the treatment should be done and how to take care of the wound
A turbinectomy is a surgical procedure indicated when the person has difficulty breathing even after treatment with medicines indicated by the otorhinolaryngologist. Understand what turbinectomy is, how it is done and how recovery is
Venous ulcers are a type of wound that hurts and takes time to heal and that occurs due to chronic venous insufficiency, in which there is an accumulation of blood, especially in the legs. Understand what the venous ulcer is and how the treatment is done.
Tularemia is a serious disease that can be transmitted through wild animals to humans, causing complications that can be fatal. Understand what Tularemia is, symptoms and how is treatment
Ultrasound is an image exam that helps to identify breast cancer in women with large, firm breasts, for example. Understand what breast ultrasound is for, how it is done and how to understand the results
The pituitary tumor consists of the growth of an abnormal mass at the base of the brain. This type of tumor has a good chance of cure, but needs treatment to control symptoms and remove brain mass. Better understand why it happens, what are the symptoms and ways of treatment
Ultrasound or transvaginal ultrasound is an examination that identifies problems such as cysts and infections, and helps to identify the cause of pelvic pain and bleeding outside of menstruation. See how it is done and how to prepare to take the exam
Transrectal prostate ultrasound is performed by inserting an ultrasound probe into the patient's rectum, allowing images of the man's prostate to be obtained, making it possible to identify changes or injuries that may appear in this region. know more
Ultrasonography, also known as ultrasound and ultrasound, is a diagnostic test that serves to visualize in real time any organ or tissue in the body. See what ultrasound is for, how it is done and what are the types
Uncoarthrosis is a condition that results from changes caused by osteoarthritis in the cervical spine, in which the intervertebral discs lose their elasticity due to the loss of water and nutrients, becoming increasingly thin and less resistant to movement, which facilitates your ...
The inflamed nail usually occurs when the nail is stuck, causing pain, swelling and redness. If not properly treated, it can become infected, accumulating pus on the affected finger. The inflamed nail can also be caused by an object falling over the fingers, a bad habit of cutting ...