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Breathing technique to combat stress and anxiety


In situations of stress, anxiety or depression, the cardiac coherence technique can be used to regulate the heartbeat, stabilizing blood pressure and strengthening the immune system.

Cardiac coherence is a breathing technique that promotes balanced communication between the heart and the brain, helping to avoid excessive stress, control chronic stress situations, for the treatment of children with hyperactivity and attention deficit, hypertension, depression and disorders of sleep.

Cardiac coherence exercise

Cardiac coherence exercises should be done in a quiet and quiet room, in order to facilitate relaxation. A good exercise consists of:

  1. Sit in a comfortable chair or armchair, uncrossing your arms and legs; Relieve body tension, releasing all the weight on the chair; Close your eyes and concentrate your thought on your heartbeat and heart, breathing slowly; Imagine the air entering, passing to return from the heart and slowly leaving the nose; recall a happy situation that has filled the heart with joy, peace and gratitude, reliving that moment; continue breathing deeply and slowly, while remembering the positive thought; return slowly to the room and slowly open your eyes eyes.

The cardiac coherence exercise should last between 3 and 5 minutes, and positive thinking should be remembered only when the body is relaxed.

Benefits of cardiac coherence

The main benefits of Cardiac Coherence are:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety. Increased cognitive activities. Balance the individual's emotional states. Reduced depressive and aggressive behaviors. Decreased fatigue. Decreased sleep disorders. Promotes the action of positive attitudes., such as cholesterol, triglycerides and high blood pressure.

In addition, when performed regularly this breathing technique still promotes well-being and hormonal balance, improves attention and memory and, consequently, quality of life.

Breathing technique to combat stress and anxiety