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Rapid hiv testing is reliable and safe


The rapid HIV test aims to inform in a few minutes whether the person has the HIV virus or not. This test can be done either from saliva or from a small blood sample, and can be done free of charge at SUS Testing and Counseling Centers, or purchased at pharmacies to be done at home.

In the public network, the test is carried out in confidence, under the supervision of a trained health professional and the result is given only to the person who performed the test. If the test is positive, the person is referred directly to counseling, where they will have information about the disease and the treatment that should be started.

The test can be done by anyone who has an active sex life, but it is more recommended for people who are at risk, such as sex workers, homeless people, inmates and injecting drug users. Know the main ways of contagion of AIDS.

Saliva tester

HIV saliva test

The saliva test for HIV is done with a special cotton swab that comes in the kit and must be passed on the gums and cheek in order to collect the largest amount of liquid and cells from the oral cavity.

After about 30 minutes it is possible to have the result and it must be done at least 30 days after the risky behavior, which can be intimate contact without a condom or using injecting drugs, for example. In addition, to perform this test, it is important to be at least 30 minutes without eating, drinking, smoking or brushing your teeth, in addition to having to remove the lipstick before doing the test.

How the HIV blood drop test is done

The rapid HIV test can be done with a small blood sample that is obtained by pricking the person's finger, in the same way that the blood glucose test for diabetics is done. The blood sample is then placed in the test apparatus and after 15 to 30 minutes the result is obtained, being negative only when a line is seen in the apparatus and positive when two red lines appear. Understand how the blood test for HIV is done.

It is recommended that this type of examination be done after 30 days of risky behavior, such as unprotected intercourse or injecting drug use, as tests performed before that period can give wrong results, since the body needs a certain time to produce sufficient amounts of antibodies against the virus to be detected in the test.

In the case of positive results, it is necessary to carry out a laboratory test to confirm the presence of the HIV virus and its quantity, which is essential to start treatment. In addition, the person is accompanied by a team of doctors, psychologists and social workers to make them feel good and have quality of life.

More information about HIV testing and other AIDS tests can be obtained by calling Disque-Saúde: 136 or Disque-AIDS: 0800 162550.

Possible blood test results

What to do if the result is positive

In case the result is positive in either type of test, it is important to go to the doctor to have the confirmatory test done. If there is confirmation of HIV infection, it is important to have guidance from the doctor about the virus and the disease, in addition to what must be done to maintain health and prevent transmission to other people.

With the advancement of research it is already possible to have quality of life, avoiding and treating AIDS-related illnesses, making it possible to work, study and have a normal life for many years.

People who have had some risky behavior and have taken the test but had a negative result should repeat the test after 30 and 60 days to be sure of the result, because in some cases there may be a false negative result.

Learn more about HIV and AIDS by watching the following video:

Rapid hiv testing is reliable and safe