Home Home-Remedies 5 Home Remedies for Hair Loss

5 Home Remedies for Hair Loss


Betting on natural ingredients, such as burdock, fenugreek and nettle, is one of the secrets of combating alopecia because they help to increase blood circulation in the scalp, soothe sensitivity, tone and improve the resistance of the hair.

It is advisable to use one of the recipes given below for approximately 1 month and then evaluate the results. If hair loss persists, a consultation with a dermatologist is advised because there are situations such as iron deficiency anemia and seborrheic dermatitis, for example, which cause hair loss, and which require specific medications, but in any case prescribed recipes can be useful for symptom relief.

The most suitable natural ingredients against hair loss are:

1. Burdock

Burdock essential oil soothes the scalp's sensitivity, when it is red and irritated, being great to help against hair loss and dandruff. It contains astringent properties and stimulates microcirculation in the scalp, relieves itching and balances sebum production.

How to use: Dilute 3 drops of this essential oil in 30 ml of neutral shampoo and then wash your hair, rubbing the scalp with circular movements and detangling the strands with your fingers when applying a conditioner or moisturizing mask.

2. Rice protein

The essential oil of rice protein plays a strengthening role, which increases the volume of the hair, in addition to having a moisturizing and soothing effect because the rice protein has the ability to retain more water in the strands, giving more volume to the strands.

How to use: Add 1 drop of rice protein essential oil in 1 tablespoon to your favorite combing cream and mix until uniform. Divide the hair into small strokes and apply a small amount of the product evenly throughout the hair.

3. Fenugreek and coconut oil

Fenugreek essential oil combats hair loss and stimulates hair growth because it nourishes the hair fiber and strengthens the hair from root to tip, bringing more volume and hydration.

How to use: This essential oil can be used in the preparation of baths and massage oil for the scalp. To do this, mix 1 tablespoon of fenugreek with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Mix until uniform and apply directly to the scalp, with the help of a cotton ball. Leave on for 1 hour and then wash your hair normally.

4. Nettle powder

Nettle powder is an excellent home remedy against hair loss because it contains vitamins and minerals, such as sulfur, zinc and copper, which strengthens the hair root, making it stronger and silky. It helps fight hair loss and reduces scalp oil, while also being effective against dandruff.

How to use: Suitable for dry shampoo, which can be made by mixing 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, 1 tablespoon of nettle powder and applying directly to the hair root, with the help of a blush brush, for example. This technique can be used to remove excess oil from the hair root, prolonging the washing time.

5. Ginseng

Ginseng is a nervous system stimulant, which activates circulation and improves mental disposition, but it can also be used against hair loss, because it promotes hair growth and tones the scalp.

How to use: Add 1 teaspoon of the ginseng essential oil in 2 teaspoons of the shampoo of your choice and wash your hair with this mixture, allowing to act for 2 to 3 minutes. Then rinse and detangle the hair with your fingers, while applying conditioner or treatment mask, keeping these products away from the hair root.

Natural shampoo against hair loss

This natural shampoo for hair loss is made with rosemary, thyme and lavender essences that help to stimulate the growth of the hair.


  • 250 ml of a pH neutral baby shampoo30 drops of rosemary essence10 drops of thyme10 drops of lavender

Method of preparation

Mix all the ingredients very well. Use the shampoo massaging the scalp well to stimulate blood circulation and let it act for 3 minutes. Rinse and then, if necessary, moisturize the wires with a natural mask.

This natural shampoo does not contain parabens and other toxic products that can be harmful to health and can be indicated for all types of hair.

5 Home Remedies for Hair Loss