Home Home-Remedies 5 Natural techniques to relieve headaches

5 Natural techniques to relieve headaches


The treatment for headache can be done naturally through the consumption of foods and teas that have calming properties and that improve blood circulation, in addition to performing head massage, for example.

The headache can be quite uncomfortable and even hinder the performance of people's daily activities. Therefore, if the headache is very intense or constant, it is important to go to the general practitioner or neurologist to identify the cause and treatment, if necessary. Find out what are the main causes of constant headache.

1. Scald feet

An excellent home remedy to reduce the headache caused by the stresses of everyday life is to dip your feet in a bucket of hot water, making a foot bath and at the same time putting a cold compress on your head.

The water should be as hot as it can be, and the feet should be kept in the same position for 15 minutes. At the same time, soak a towel with ice water, wring lightly and apply to the temples, the base of the neck or the forehead.

This technique is effective and helps to reduce headaches because hot water dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow to the feet, while cold water compresses the blood vessels in the head, reducing the volume of the bloodstream and consequently headaches.

2. Have tea

Some teas have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, calming and relaxing properties, making them great allies to fight headaches. However, if the headache is persistent, it is important to go to the doctor so that the cause can be investigated and treatment started, if necessary. Discover the 3 best teas to relieve headaches.

3. Food

Food is a great alternative not only to relieve pain, but also to prevent and prevent the use of many medications. The best foods to treat and prevent headaches are those that have calming properties and that improve blood circulation, such as bananas, salmon and sardines, for example. See what are the best foods to reduce headaches.

4. Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil can be used to relieve headaches, especially if the cause is stress, as rosemary is able to decrease the release of the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for stress and its symptoms. This oil can be used to massage the head or even in an infusion. You should put a few drops of oil in a cup of boiling water and smell it a few times a day. Discover other benefits of rosemary oil.

5. Head massage

Head massage can relieve headaches quickly and consists of pressing lightly, making circular movements, the region where the pain is located, such as the temples, neck and the top of the head, for example. Find out how the massage is done to reduce the headache.

See also this super simple technique taught by our physiotherapist to relieve headache:

5 Natural techniques to relieve headaches