Home Symptoms 5 Treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis

5 Treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis


Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis must be indicated by the rheumatologist, as the medications indicated may vary according to the symptoms presented by the person and stage of the disease. In addition to drug treatment, physical therapy is recommended to activate the joints, strengthen the muscles and relieve symptoms. It is also important to change eating habits by consuming foods with anti-inflammatory properties daily to relieve symptoms.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune, inflammatory, systemic and chronic disease, which causes symptoms such as pain and stiffness in the joints, especially upon waking, and has no cure. The treatment established for arthritis aims to relieve symptoms, prevent disease progression and improve quality of life. Learn more about rheumatoid arthritis.

The best treatment options are:

1. Remedies for rheumatoid arthritis

The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with medication should ideally be started in the first 12 months of development of the disease, since early drug therapy helps prevent more serious damage, improving functional capacity.

Some examples of the most used remedies include:

  • Disease-modifying medications (MMCD): they are the first line of treatment, and should be started shortly after diagnosis; Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs: they are mainly used to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life.

Drug treatment should be done according to the doctor's recommendation and it is important that the person is constantly monitored by the doctor so that the body's response to treatment can be observed.

2. Physiotherapy for rheumatoid arthritis

Physical therapy treatment is a great way to decrease pain, inflammation and improve the quality of movements in the affected joint. Physiotherapy is also important to keep muscles properly strengthened and stretched, as well as to prevent or decrease joint deformities.

Physiotherapy should include active and passive exercises and stretches, the use of electrotherapy devices, and the use of hot water bags. In addition, the practice of aerobic physical exercises, such as walking, cycling, swimming and water aerobics can also be indicated. Learn how physical therapy for arthritis is done.

3. Surgery for rheumatoid arthritis

When rheumatoid arthritis generates deformities that decrease the person's quality of life, the rheumatologist, together with an orthopedist, will be able to assess the need for surgery to correct the deformities. However, this will depend on the individual's general health and daily activities.

4. Complementary treatment for arthritis

The complementary treatment for rheumatoid arthritis can be done with diet, meditation, acupuncture, auriculotherapy, massage, chiropractic, among others, but it does not exclude the need for clinical and physical therapy, although they can improve the quality of life.

5. Natural treatment for rheumatoid arthritis

Natural treatment can be done with the use of medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic properties, in the form of tea, juice or poultice, as they help to relieve symptoms, which has a direct impact on quality of life.

However, this type of treatment should never replace the medicated treatment indicated by the doctor and, in addition, these remedies should only be used with the knowledge and authorization of the rheumatologist. Some good examples include:

  • Horsetail tea , fennel and burdock; Take the eggplant juice with lemon upon waking; Take the pineapple juice daily.

Sucupira tea is also great, as this plant can also be used in capsules. See more tips in the following video:

Signs of improvement and worsening

The signs of improvement appear with the appropriate treatment and include the reduction of symptoms and improvement of movements, however, the symptoms tend to be more intense and complications can arise if the treatment is not performed.

As this disease has no cure, it is necessary to carry out treatment for life, it is also important to avoid smoking, alcoholic beverages and exercise regularly, with the accompaniment of a physical education professional.

Complications of rheumatoid arthritis

Due to the involvement of bones, cartilage, joint capsule, tendons, ligaments and muscles, deformities in the joints may appear, which hinder movement and leave an unsightly appearance in the person.

As the disease is progressive and has no cure, over time, the person may present deformities such as fingers in a windy and fingers in a swan neck, knees turned inward, changes in the spine, rupture of the tendons and joint and foot erosions plans. To prevent these complications, it is recommended to follow the treatment indicated by the doctor and have regular physical therapy sessions.

5 Treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis