Home Symptoms Learn how to relieve the symptoms of behçet's disease

Learn how to relieve the symptoms of behçet's disease


Treatment for Behçet's Disease varies according to the degree of symptom intensity and, therefore, each case must be evaluated individually by a doctor.

Thus, when the symptoms are mild, medicines are usually used to relieve each type of symptom and improve the discomfort caused, but, if the symptoms are very intense, the doctor may recommend medications to prevent the development of new crises.

Understand what are the most common symptoms during attacks of this rare disease.

Medicines used to relieve symptoms

During the crises of the disease, they can use medicines to relieve the main symptoms, such as:

  • Wounds on the skin and genitals: corticosteroids in the form of a cream or ointment are used to relieve inflammation and facilitate healing; Mouth sores: special rinses with anti-inflammatory substances that relieve pain are recommended; Blurry vision and red eyes: eye drops with corticosteroids are recommended to reduce redness and pain.

If the symptoms do not improve with the use of these medications, the doctor may advise the use of Colchicine, a medication in the form of pills that reduces inflammation throughout the body, and may even help treat joint pain.

Remedies to prevent new crises

In the most severe cases of the disease, in which the symptoms are very intense and cause a lot of discomfort, the doctor may choose to use more aggressive medications that help to prevent new crises. The most used are:

  • Corticosteroids, like Prednisone: greatly reduce the inflammatory process throughout the body, helping to control symptoms. They are usually prescribed with immunosuppressants to improve the result; Immunosuppressive drugs, such as Azathioprine or Cyclosporine: decrease the immune system's response, preventing it from causing the common inflammation of the disease. However, as they lower the immune system, the chances of having recurrent infections increase; Remedies that alter the immune system's response: they regulate the immune system's ability to control inflammation and therefore have a similar function to immunosuppressants.

These drugs should only be used under medical advice, as they have more serious side effects such as frequent headaches, skin problems and recurrent infections.

Signs of improvement

Symptoms of seizures usually improve about 3 to 5 days after taking the medication. When the symptoms disappear, the medications used should be stopped, to avoid prolonged effects of use, and should only be used again in another crisis. The drugs to prevent attacks should be taken according to the doctor's recommendation.

Signs of worsening

This type of signs is more common when treatment is not done properly and usually includes increased pain and the appearance of new symptoms. So, if you are undergoing treatment, it is recommended to go to the doctor if the symptoms do not improve after 5 days.

Learn how to relieve the symptoms of behçet's disease