Home Symptoms How groin pain treatment is done and when to go to the doctor

How groin pain treatment is done and when to go to the doctor


Treatment for groin pain should be done according to the cause of the pain, rest is usually recommended, ice pack at the pain site and use of medications if the pain is persistent or disrupts day-to-day activities, and should be indicated by the doctor.

The main cause of groin pain in men and women is the strain of the groin muscles or tendons due to the practice of exercises such as running, football or dancing, for example. However, when the pain is persistent and accompanies symptoms such as fever or blood in the urine, it is recommended that the person seek medical help, as the pain in the groin may be related to another situation, such as infections, inflammation of the sciatic nerve or hernia.

How the treatment is done

In the case of groin pain due to distension or injury during running or weight training exercises, for example, treatment can be done according to the degree of pain and may be recommended:

  • Use of anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics or muscle relaxants, such as Aspirin, Paracetamol and Cizax, for example, which should be recommended by the doctor and used according to the guidance received. Usually these drugs are indicated when the pain is very strong and constant and gets in the way of the person's routine; Cold compress in the groin for 15 minutes at least 2 times a day, as it helps to relieve pain; Physiotherapy, which can be useful in the case of injuries and strains, as it allows muscle rehabilitation and strength gain; Surgery, which is recommended only in the most severe cases.

It is essential that the person remains at rest during the treatment and avoid doing high-impact exercises, such as running and soccer, for example, until there is complete recovery of the groin muscles, as they can aggravate the injury. In the case of a muscle injury, the return to physical activity varies from person to person according to the cause of the pain and the degree of the injury.

The general practitioner should be informed if the pain does not subside in order to indicate the most qualified professional, diagnose the cause of the pain and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

When to go to the doctor

It is recommended to go to the doctor when the pain in the groin persists for more than 1 week and is accompanied by other symptoms, such as high fever, nausea or the presence of blood in the urine. Thus, the doctor may perform some tests to identify the cause of the pain and start the best treatment.

In addition to muscle injuries and strains related to physical activity, groin pain can also happen due to the presence of hernia, urinary tract infection and testicular torsion, for example. From the identification of the cause, the doctor will be able to indicate the best form of treatment. See how treatment is done for each cause of groin pain.

How groin pain treatment is done and when to go to the doctor