Home Symptoms Treatment of herniated disc with drugs, surgery, physiotherapy and natural treatment

Treatment of herniated disc with drugs, surgery, physiotherapy and natural treatment


The first form of treatment that is usually indicated for herniated discs is the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy, to relieve pain and reduce other symptoms, such as difficulty in moving the limbs or tingling.

Other alternative options, such as acupuncture, Pilates or the use of some teas, can also help to complement medical treatment, enhancing the effect of medications and further reducing discomfort.

However, as the herniated disc is an alteration that causes compression of the disc between the vertebrae, projecting it out of its space, sometimes these treatments are not enough to restore quality of life for the person, in which case, herniated disc surgery is indicated.

1. Treatment with medicines

The recommended treatment for herniated discs includes the use of medications, such as:

  • Anti-inflammatories, such as Ibuprofen, Diclofenac or Ketoprofen: help to reduce inflammation and pain caused by compression of the intervertebral disc; Analgesics, which may be weaker, such as Dipyrone or Paracetamol, or more potent, such as Tramadol or Codeine: help to relieve pain and discomfort caused by compression of the spinal disc; Muscle relaxants, such as Cyclobenzaprine or Baclofen: to reduce the pain caused by muscle spasms in the back or legs; Anticonvulsant remedies, such as Gabapentin or Pregabalin: are used, in this case, to relieve the pain caused by the compression of nerves close to the hernia; Injections of corticosteroids in the spine, such as Betamethasone or Prednisone: to reduce inflammation at the herniated disc site.

The use of anti-inflammatory drugs, although they have a good effect especially in lumbar hernia pain crises, should not be used very often, as they cause many side effects, such as stomach irritation or altered kidney function.

In cases where you need to use medication for a long time, pain relievers, muscle relaxants or anticonvulsants, as prescribed by your doctor, are the best options.

2. Physical therapy for herniated discs

In addition to the medicines, the orthopedist can also advise the realization of physiotherapy sessions, where exercises are done and learned positions that are important to complete the treatment with medicines and reduce pain. See everything about how herniated disc physiotherapy works.

The time of treatment with physiotherapy depends on the type of hernia and the intensity of the symptoms presented, but can vary from 1 month to 6 months, or more.

3. Natural treatment

There are ways to relieve the pain caused by herniated discs with home treatments, which can, in some cases, replace or reduce the dose of medications. The main ones are:

  • Acupuncture: helps to eliminate pain using small needles that are inserted into pressure points to trigger an analgesic action; Pilates: exercises for posture and stretching performed in Pilates can help stabilize the herniated disc and decrease pain. It is important that Pilates classes are done by a physical therapist; Massage: if done by qualified professionals, experienced in treating spinal diseases, it can relieve symptoms, due to muscle stretching and relaxation; Natural herbs: some plants can be used to make plasters, season foods or make teas, such as cloves, ginger, cinnamon, fennel or cat's claw, for example, which have anti-inflammatory action. Learn tea recipes that are great natural anti-inflammatories.

In periods of crisis, you should rest for a few hours, but always prefer movement because it reduces the stiffness of the muscles and helps with pain control. But it is important to avoid making great efforts such as cleaning, or lifting heavy objects because this way the spine is more protected, avoiding manipulation or movements that can cause inflammation to worsen.

See, in the following video, tips from a physiotherapist that can help improve herniated disc symptoms:

4. Herniated disc surgery

Surgery to treat herniated discs is indicated especially if it is of the extruded or sequestered type, when there has been no improvement in symptoms with the use of drugs and physical therapy, or when the symptoms are so intense as to cause loss of strength and disability.

The procedure is done in the operating room, under general anesthesia, removing the disc from the affected spine, with a small cut, followed by the union of vertebrae or the replacement of the disc by an artificial material. It can be performed by the orthopedist, but also by the neurosurgeon, as it interferes with important parts of the spinal nervous system.

Another surgery option is the endoscopy procedure, in which the removal of the affected disc is done through a thin tube inserted through the skin, with a camera at the tip. Although simpler, this type of procedure is done in specific cases, released by the surgeon, depending on your experience and the location of the affected spine.

How is recovery

After the procedure, the person can be discharged in 1 or 2 days, but must rest at home for 1 week, doing simple tasks such as personal care and walking short distances. A necklace or waistcoat may be needed for 2 weeks, to avoid forcing the place and giving security to the person.

Most activities, such as working, are already released after this period, but physical activities that require effort are released after 1 month.

Signs of improvement

Signs of herniated disc improvement usually appear about 3 weeks after the start of treatment and include mainly reduced pain and reduced difficulty in moving limbs.

Signs of worsening

The signs of worsening of the herniated disc are more frequent when the treatment is not working and include difficulty walking, standing or moving the body, as well as loss of sensitivity to urinate or evacuate, for example.

Treatment of herniated disc with drugs, surgery, physiotherapy and natural treatment