Home Symptoms How is the treatment for each type of hepatitis

How is the treatment for each type of hepatitis


Treatment for hepatitis varies according to its cause, that is, whether it is caused by viruses, autoimmune disease or frequent use of medications. However, rest, hydration, good nutrition and suspension of alcoholic beverages for at least 6 months are usually recommended to prevent further liver damage and accelerate the recovery process.

In addition, the suspension of medications that the person is using may be recommended, even if this is not the cause of hepatitis, because during the disease the liver is not able to properly metabolize the medications, with greater production of toxins and even harming plus the organism. In the most severe cases, it may be necessary for the person to remain in the hospital to be followed up, being released when the disease is more controlled, but treatment at home should be continued.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is usually resolved after a few weeks, and is recommended by the physician at rest, a diet low in fat and carbohydrates, and drinking plenty of fluids. In addition, it is recommended to avoid the consumption of alcohol and drugs that can impair the functioning of the liver.

One of the symptoms of hepatitis A is the lack of appetite that worsens at the end of the day, so you should bet on a good intake of fluids and solid foods during the day. Intravenous feeding is necessary in the acute stage when the patient has persistent vomiting and is unable to maintain oral intake. Isolation of the hepatitis A patient in a single room and bathroom is only necessary in cases of fecal incontinence, which is rare.

Hepatitis B

In the case of acute hepatitis B, the treatment indicated by the doctor is rest, a balanced diet, suspension of alcohol consumption for at least 6 months and use of drugs to relieve symptoms, such as vomiting and fever, for example, if they are present. In the case of chronic hepatitis B, the treatment indicated by the doctor is with the use of medications such as Interferon and Lamivudine, which should be used as directed.

Isolation of the hepatitis B patient in a single room and bathroom is only necessary in cases of massive and uncontrolled bleeding which is rare. Learn more about treatment for hepatitis B.

One way to prevent infection by the hepatitis B virus is through vaccination, the first dose of which should be taken in the first 12 hours of life.

Hepatitis C

Treatment for hepatitis C should be done according to the guidance of the hepatologist or infectious disease, the use of injectable Interferon alfa associated with the oral medication Ribavirin is usually recommended, however these drugs have several side effects, and it is important to inform the doctor of the appearance that any effect related to the use of the medication.

Despite the adverse effects related to the drugs used in the treatment, the cure happens in 50 to 80% of the cases when the treatment is done correctly. In addition, it is important to have a proper diet to prevent further liver damage. See in the following video how the hepatitis diet should be:

Hepatitis D

The treatment of hepatitis D is done in the same way as for hepatitis B, since the hepatitis D virus depends on the hepatitis B virus to replicate. Thus, it is important to stay at rest, follow a balanced diet and avoid consuming alcoholic beverages.

As the hepatitis D virus depends on the hepatitis B virus, prevention of this infection must be done through the hepatitis B vaccine. Learn more about vaccination for hepatitis B.

Hepatitis E

Hepatitis E is usually resolved by the body itself, with no need to take medications, just resting, drinking plenty of fluids and having an adequate diet. In the most severe cases, which is when there is co-infection with the hepatitis C or A virus, for example, the use of antiretroviral drugs may be recommended. Learn all about hepatitis E.

Hepatitis F and G

Hepatitis F is considered a subgroup of hepatitis C and, to date, no cases have been described in humans, therefore there is no established treatment. In the case of hepatitis G, although the virus can be found in people, especially those with hepatitis C, B or HIV virus, the treatment is still not very well established, it is important to consult the hepatologist or infectologist to define the best therapeutic strategy.

Autoimmune hepatitis

The treatment for autoimmune hepatitis is made with the use of drugs that reduce inflammation of the liver, such as corticosteroids or immunosuppressants, such as Prednisone and Azathioprine respectively, which should be used according to the doctor's guidance.

It is also important that people with autoimmune hepatitis have an adequate diet and avoid consuming fatty foods and drinking alcoholic beverages. See more about the treatment of autoimmune hepatitis.

Medicated hepatitis

In the case of medicated hepatitis, treatment is carried out by suspending or replacing the medication responsible for liver damage, and must be done under medical guidance. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids to accelerate the organism's detoxification process and treat complications that arise until liver repair and regeneration, often requiring transplantation.

How is the treatment for each type of hepatitis