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How to treat the 7 most common ist's


Treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), formerly known as sexually transmitted diseases, or just STDs, varies according to the specific type of infection. However, most of these diseases are curable and, in several cases, as long as they are identified early, they can even be completely eliminated with a single injection.

So, the most important thing is that, whenever there is a suspicion of being infected, an infectologist or a general practitioner is consulted to do the necessary blood tests and start the most appropriate treatment.

Even in the case of diseases that have no cure, such as AIDS, treatment is very important, as it helps to prevent the disease from worsening and symptom relief, in addition to preventing the transmission of the disease to other people.

Below, we indicate the treatment guidelines present in the clinical protocol of the Ministry of Health:

1. Chlamydia

Chlamydia is an STI caused by a bacterium, known as Chlamydia trachomatis , which can affect both men and women, causing symptoms such as burning sensation in the urine, pain during sexual contact or itching in the intimate area.

To eliminate the bacteria, the treatment involves the use of antibiotics, as follows:

1st option

  • Azithromycin 1 g, in tablet, in a single dose;


  • Doxycycline 100 mg, in tablet, 12/12 hours for 7 days.


  • Amoxicillin 500 mg, tablet, 8 / 8h for 7 days

This treatment must always be guided by a doctor, since it may be necessary to adapt to the characteristics of each person. For example, in the case of pregnant women, Doxycycline should not be used.

See what are the main symptoms of chlamydia and how transmission occurs.

2. Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which causes signs such as yellowish-white discharge, itching and pain when urinating and that usually take up to 10 days to appear after unprotected sexual contact.

The first treatment option includes the use of:

  • Ciprofloxacino 500 mg, compressed, in a single dose, and; Azithromycin 500 mg, 2 tablets, in a single dose.


  • Ceftriaxone 500 mg, intramuscular injection, in a single dose, and; Azithromycin 500 mg, 2 tablets, in a single dose.

In pregnant women and children under 18, ciprofloxacin should be replaced with ceftriaxone.

Get a better understanding of what gonorrhea is, its symptoms and how to prevent infection.

3. HPV

HPV is a group of several viruses of the same type that can infect the reproductive system, both of men and women and, in most cases, only leads to the appearance of small warts, which can be eliminated with the use of creams, cryotherapy or minor surgery. The type of treatment depends on the size, number and places where the warts appear and, therefore, it is always important that there is guidance from a doctor.

Check in more detail the forms of treatment available for HPV.

However, in addition to warts, there are also some types of HPV viruses that can lead to cancer, the best known of which is cervical cancer in women, especially if the lesions caused by the virus are not treated early.

HPV treatment can eliminate the symptoms and even prevent the onset of cancer, but it does not eliminate the virus from the body. For this reason, symptoms can reoccur, and the only way to cure is when the immune system is able to eliminate the virus, which can take several years to happen.

4. Genital herpes

Genital herpes is an STI caused by the same virus that causes herpes on the lip, herpes simplex. This is one of the most frequent STIs that causes the appearance of small liquid-filled bubbles in the genital region, which itch and release a slightly yellowish liquid.

Usually treatment is done with acyclovir, a potent antiviral medicine against herpes, according to the plan:

Herpes Medicine Dose Duration
First episode

Aciclovir 200 mg


Aciclovir 200 mg

2 8 / 8h tablets

1 tablet of 4 / 4h

7 days

7 days


Aciclovir 200 mg


Aciclovir 200 mg

2 8 / 8h tablets

1 tablet of 4 / 4h

5 days

5 days

This treatment does not eliminate the virus from the body, but helps to reduce the intensity and duration of the episodes of signs that appear in the genital region.

See the symptoms that can indicate genital herpes, in men and women.

5. Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is an infection caused by the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis, which generates different symptoms in women and men, but which generally include pain when urinating, discharge with an unpleasant smell and severe itching in the genital region.

To treat this infection, the antibiotic Metronidazole is usually used, following the scheme:

  • Metronidazole 400 mg, 5 tablets in a single dose; Metronidazole 250 mg, 2 12/12 tablets for 7 days.

In the case of pregnant women, this treatment must be adapted and, therefore, it is important to carry out the treatment with the knowledge of the obstetrician.

Check the symptoms that help to identify a case of trichomoniasis.

6. Syphilis

Syphilis is an STI caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, which can cause different types of symptoms according to the stage it is in, but which is best known for the wounds it can cause in the genital region.

To treat syphilis, the medicine of choice is penicillin, which should be administered in doses that vary according to the stage of the infection:

1. Primary, secondary or recent latent syphilis

  • Benzathine penicillin G, 2.4 million IU, in a single intramuscular injection, with 1.2 million IU administered in each gluteus.

The alternative to this treatment is to take Doxycycline 100 mg, twice a day, for 15 days. In the case of pregnant women, treatment should be done with Ceftriaxone 1g, in intramuscular injection, for 8 to 10 days.

2. Latent or tertiary latent syphilis

  • Benzathine penicillin G, 2.4 million IU, injected per week for 3 weeks.

Alternatively, treatment can also be done with Doxycycline 100 mg, twice a day for 30 days. Or, in the case of pregnant women, with Ceftriaxone 1g, in intramuscular injection, for 8 to 10 days.

Check out more information about the stages of syphilis and how to identify each one.


Although there is no treatment capable of curing HIV infection, there are some antiviral remedies that help eliminate the viral load in the blood, not only preventing the disease from getting worse, but also preventing the transmission of the infection.

Some of the antivirals that can be used include Lamivudine, Tenofovir, Efavirenz or Didanosine, for example.

See in this video more important information about HIV and its treatment:

General care during treatment

Although the treatment of each type of STI varies, there are some general precautions to be taken. This care helps to have a faster recovery and to cure the infection, but they are also very important to prevent the transmission of STIs to others.

Thus, it is advised:

  • Do the treatment until the end, even if there is improvement of symptoms; Avoid sexual contact, even if protected; Do diagnostic tests for other STIs.

In addition, in the case of children or pregnant women, it is important to have other special care, it is important to consult a pediatrician or an obstetrician, from the infectologist.

How to treat the 7 most common ist's