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How surgery is done for Siamese twins and possible risks


Surgery for the separation of Siamese twins is a complicated procedure in most cases, which needs to be well evaluated with the doctor, as this surgery is not always indicated. This is especially the case for twins who are joined by the head or who share vital organs.

When it is approved, the surgery is usually quite time-consuming and can last more than 24 hours. And even during that time there is a high chance that one or both of the twins will not survive. Therefore, it is recommended that the surgery be performed by a medical team composed of several specialties in order to reduce the risks as much as possible.

Siamese twins are identical twins joined by some part of the body, such as the trunk, back and skull, for example, and there may also be sharing of organs, such as heart, liver, kidneys and intestines. The detection of Siamese twins can be done, in some cases, during routine exams during pregnancy, such as ultrasound. Find out all about the Siamese twins.

How Surgery Works

Surgery to separate the Siamese twins can take hours and is a very delicate procedure, because according to the type of union of the twins there may be organ sharing, which can make the procedure high risk. In addition, there are cases where the twins share only one vital organ, such as the heart or the brain, and so when the separation occurs, one of the twins will likely have to give his life to save the other.

Organ sharing is more common in twins that are joined by the head and trunk, however when there is kidney, liver and intestine sharing, separation can be a little easier. The big problem is that the Siamese brothers rarely share only one organ, which can make their separation even more difficult. In addition to sharing organs and being physically united, the Siamese twin brothers are emotionally connected and live a common life.

To perform the surgery it is necessary to have a medical team made up of several specialties to guarantee the success of the operation. The presence of a plastic surgeon, cardiovascular surgeon and a pediatric surgeon are essential in all Siamese twin separation surgeries. Their presence is important to separate organs and reconstruct tissues and adapt when necessary.

Surgery to separate conjoined twins joined by the skull or sharing brain tissue is rare, long-lasting and very delicate, however some surgeries have already been carried out that have had positive results. Both children managed to survive, despite having some complications during hospitalization and some sequelae.

Is surgery always recommended?

Due to its high risks and complexity, surgery is not always recommended, especially in the case of sharing vital organs.

Thus, if surgery is not possible or if the family, or the twins themselves, choose not to have the surgery, the twins can remain together leading a relatively normal life, since they get used to living together since birth, maintaining a good quality of life.

Possible risks and complications

The greatest risk of surgery for Siamese twins is death during or after the procedure. Depending on how the twins are joined, surgery can be at high risk, especially if there is sharing of vital organs, such as heart or brain, for example.

In addition, the twin, when separated, may have some sequelae such as heart failure and neuronal changes that can result in changes or delayed development.

How surgery is done for Siamese twins and possible risks