Home Symptoms Drug addiction: treatment to stop using

Drug addiction: treatment to stop using


Generally, treatment to stop using drugs is done initially during hospitalization, in a specialized clinic, to ensure that during this period there is no contact with any drugs, except for those that are indicated for treatment.

Often, this hospitalization happens voluntarily, when the person wants to start treatment, however, in some cases, the help of family or friends may be necessary, who can use legal means to intern the person, even against their own. especially since there is a high risk for your life and the people around you.

The treatment consists of a combination of several methodologies, such as therapy, use of medications and other types of support needed by doctors, nurses, psychologists and occupational therapists to perform the detoxification and allow to quit the addiction.

For what drugs it is possible to make treatment

This type of treatment is indicated for people who use drugs that cause physical and / or psychological dependence, such as:

  • Cocaine; Heroin; Crack; Marijuana; Ecstasy; LSD.

Clinics specializing in the treatment of substance addiction can still help in the treatment of alcoholics, but in this case there are also other institutions only aimed at those who consume alcoholic beverages and even support groups in the community, known as alcoholics anonymous, for example. See how alcohol abuse treatment is done.

How is the treatment process

During the internment at the specialized clinic for drug treatment, the team of professionals will work together to find the best treatment combination for each case. Some of the most used forms of treatment include:

1. Drug Remedies

The drugs used to treat the drugs must be used with supervision, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so that the person performs the treatment correctly and is not addicted to these drugs.

Initially, to combat craving, which is the imminent desire to use drugs, anxiolytic and antidepressant medications such as Diazepam or Clonazepam, for example, can be used.

Some examples of anti-drug remedies are:

  • Marijuana: Rimonabant, a medicine against obesity, fluoxetine and Buspirone; Cocaine: Topiramate and pergolide, used against seizures and Parkinson's; Crack: Risperidone, topiramate, modafinil, which alleviates withdrawal symptoms; Heroin: Methadone and buprenorphine that act on the brain by altering the reward and pleasure system.

In addition to these, it is common for other antibiotic and antiviral drugs to be indicated to combat the health problems that the user has, such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, HIV, syphilis.

Iboga is a medicinal plant, which despite being banned in Brazil, has been used in other countries because it acts by detoxifying the body, helping in the treatment against addiction and dependence, but it should not be used exclusively because it does not fight against withdrawal symptoms, and it is common for the person to return to the following drug use because he does not know how to deal with his life.

2. Consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist

Although the support and help of the family is very important and a fundamental part of the treatment against drug addiction, monitoring by a psychologist or psychiatrist is also extremely important, as it offers useful tools for the person to learn to avoid contact and drug use.

When the user stops using drugs, he goes through a period of abstinence in which he faces anxiety and various emotional disorders and, therefore, it is important that he has this type of monitoring so that he can reconstruct his 'I' and know how to manage his emotions well, without needing a new dose.

3. Change in behavior

Another important factor in combating drug addiction is behavior change, as a person must stop meeting friends who use drugs and go to places where he used drugs, so that there is no relapse.

In addition, contact with even milder drugs and alcoholic beverages should be avoided, as they also increase the risk of relapse.

4. Drug use in controlled locations

Not always seen with good eyes, another form of treatment is the consumption of the drug in a specialized place, where the necessary tools are provided so that the consumption does not lead to the appearance of diseases.

Generally these places are available in other countries, but the person does not stop using drugs, nor does he start using smaller doses, he only consumes them in a clean place, where he can have immediate medical assistance if he overdoses.

Recovery clinics for drug addicts

There are inpatient clinics for drug addicts throughout the country and the length of stay varies from 2 to 3 months, which can be partial (during the day only) or full, where the person only leaves there when he is completely recovered.

Where to find free treatment for drug addicts

There is free treatment for drug addicts in various parts of the country, but places are limited. Anyone who wants to be admitted for the treatment of chemical dependency should seek guidance from their doctor, but some institutions that can help are:

Free drug treatment in São Paulo

Free drug treatment in Rio de Janeiro

Free drug treatment in Minas Gerais

CAPS AD Centro

Rua Frederico Alvarenga, 259, Parque D. Pedro II, São Paulo

Tel: (11) 3241-5460

CAPS AD Mané Garrincha

Rua Professor Manoel de Abreu, 196, Maracanã

Tel: (21) 2567-2418

CAPS AD Belo Horizonte

Rua Liguria, 70, Bandeirantes

Tel: (31) 3277-1573

The Psycho Social Attention Centers - CAPS are government institutions that assist in the treatment of drugs that are open every day throughout the day and have the presence of a team composed of general practitioner, psychiatrist, psychologist, nurse and social worker.

The monitoring of dependents in these centers is daily and allows the individual to feel able to work and play again, thus strengthening their mental health.

One of the many advantages of the psychosocial care centers is to replace the patient's need for hospitalization, integrating it into the treatment itself, making him responsible for going daily to the CAPS in his municipality.

How long does recovery take

The price of full hospitalization in a recovery clinic for drug addicts is approximately 5 to 10 thousand reais (90 days), but it is necessary to monitor the individual for at least 6 months, which can reach 1 year.

In the first 6 months the person is free of drugs, but in the other 6 months several aspects are worked on to prevent a relapse, and so that the person can rebuild his life.

After this period, the person may have a relapse, but the important thing is to persevere and move forward with the treatment. Sometimes, the person will still need a follow-up, having 2 or 3 consultations per year, for a long period.

Drug addiction: treatment to stop using