Home Home-Remedies Natural expectorant with onion to eliminate phlegm

Natural expectorant with onion to eliminate phlegm


Onion syrup is an excellent homemade option to relieve cough as it has expectorant properties that help to decongest the airways, eliminating persistent cough and phlegm more quickly.

This onion syrup can be prepared at home, being useful against flu and cold in adults and children, however, it is not recommended for babies and children under 1 year, because of the contraindication of honey at this stage.

Honey is indicated because it is considered antiseptic, expectorant and soothing antioxidant. It even helps to strengthen the body's natural defense system, fighting viruses and bacteria. Onions, on the other hand, contain quercetin, which helps fight flu, colds, tonsillitis and coughs, asthma and allergies, naturally. Together these ingredients help to eliminate phlegm, and the person to recover faster.

Onion syrup with honey and lemon

Option 1:


  • 3 onions about 3 tablespoons of 3 lemons melsumo

Method of preparation

Grate the onion or place the onion in a food processor to remove only the water that loosens from the onion. The amount of honey that should be used must be exactly equal to the amount of water that came out of the onion. Then add the lemon and leave it in a closed glass container for about 2 hours.

Option 2:


  • 1 large onion, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 cup water

Method of preparation

Cut the onion into 4 parts and bring the onion to a boil along with the water over low heat. After cooking, let the onion rest for about 1 hour, properly covered. Then strain the onion water and add honey, mix well. Store in a tightly closed glass container.

How to take

Children should take 2 dessert spoons of syrup during the day, while adults should take 4 dessert spoons. It can be taken every day, for 7 to 10 days.

Learn how to prepare syrups, teas and juices that are very effective in fighting coughs for adults and children in the following video:

When cough with phlegm is severe

Cough is a reflex of the body that serves to clear the airways, and phlegm is also a means of defense that serves to drive viruses out of the body. Thus, cough with phlegm should not be seen as a disease, but as a natural response of the organism in an attempt to eliminate a microorganism present in the respiratory system.

Thus, the secret to eliminating cough and phlegm is to help the body fight viruses and other microorganisms that are causing this discomfort. This can be done by strengthening the immune system, through a healthy diet, containing vitamins and minerals, important in recovery, such as vitamin A, C and E, for example. Fruits, vegetables and legumes are recommended, but it is also important to drink plenty of fluids to help fluidize the phlegm, so that it is eliminated more easily.

Fever is a warning sign that the body is struggling to fight invaders, however, when it is too high it causes discomfort and can cause other complications. A small rise in body temperature further activates the immune system and helps prevent the proliferation of microorganisms, so it is only necessary to lower the fever when it is above 38ºC measured in the armpit.

In case of fever above 38ºC a doctor should be consulted because the flu or cold may have got worse, starting a respiratory infection, which may need the use of antibiotics, in which case the home remedies will not be enough for the person if to recover.

Natural expectorant with onion to eliminate phlegm