Home Home-Remedies 5 Homemade syrups for dry cough

5 Homemade syrups for dry cough


A good syrup for dry cough is carrot and oregano, because these ingredients have properties that naturally reduce the cough reflex. However, it is important to know what is causing the cough, because it can have several causes, which must be investigated by the doctor.

Persistent dry cough is usually caused by a respiratory allergy, so keep your home properly clean and dust free and avoid staying in dusty places, as well as avoiding being around people who smoke. A good tip to do after cleaning the house is to put a bucket of water in the room so that the air is less dry. See more about the possible causes of dry cough and how to treat it.

1. Carrot and honey syrup

A good homemade syrup for allergic dry cough is carrot syrup with honey due to its antitussive properties.


  • 1 cup of honey; 2 medium peeled carrots.

Method of preparation

Pass the carrot through the blender, add this juice to the honey and then bring it to a low heat until it thickens and then store it in a properly covered glass container. Take 1 spoon of this syrup 3 to 4 times a day.

2. Honey and oregano syrup

Another good homemade syrup for dry cough is honey with oregano because it has antitussive properties that help to calm the cough.


  • 1 tablespoon of honey; 1 coffee spoon of oregano.

Method of preparation

Mix the ingredients in a glass container and heat for a while in the microwave. When it is warm, take the following syrup. This syrup should be taken 2 to 3 times a day. Check out more other benefits of oregano.

3. Herbal syrup

Thyme, licorice root and anise seeds help to relax the respiratory tract and honey reduces irritation in the throat.


  • 500 mL of water; 1 tablespoon of anise seeds; 1 tablespoon of dried licorice root; 1 tablespoon of dry thyme; 250 mL of honey.

Method of preparation

Boil anise seeds and licorice root in water, in a covered pan, for about 15 minutes. Remove from the stove, add the thyme, cover and leave to infuse until cool. Finally, just strain and add the honey. It can be kept in a glass bottle in the refrigerator for 3 months.

4. Ginger and guaco syrup

Ginger is a natural product with anti-inflammatory action, recommended to reduce irritation in the throat and lungs, relieving dry cough.


  • 250 mL of water; 1 tablespoon of squeezed lemon; 1 teaspoon of powdered ginger or 1 cup of cut ginger; 1 tablespoon of honey; 2 guaco leaves.

Method of preparation

Boil the water and then put the powdered or sliced ​​ginger, let it rest for 15 minutes. Then strain the water if it has sliced ​​ginger and add the honey, lemon juice and guaco, mixing everything until it is viscous, like syrup.

5. Echinacea syrup

Echinacea is a plant widely used to treat cold and flu symptoms, such as stuffy nose and dry cough.


  • 250 mL of water, 1 tablespoon of echinacea root or leaves, 1 tablespoon of honey.

Method of preparation

Place the root or leaves of echinacea in the water and leave on the fire until boiling. After that, you have to let it rest for 30 minutes, strain and add the honey until it looks like syrup. Take twice a day, morning and night. Learn more other ways to use echinacea.

Who should not take

Since these syrups are made from honey, they should not be given to children under 1 year of age, due to the risk of botulism, which is a type of serious infection. In addition, they should also not be used by diabetics.

Learn how to prepare various coughing recipes in the following video:

5 Homemade syrups for dry cough