Home Bulls 4 Steps to teach your child to pee in the bathroom

4 Steps to teach your child to pee in the bathroom


To teach your child to pee on the potty or toilet, and thus stop using diapers, it is advisable to take her to pee at the following times of the day, every day:

  • When you wake up in the morning; When you wake up from the afternoon sleep; Before going to bed to sleep.

The ideal age to start to stop using diapers is from 18 months of age, which is when the child has the easiest control over sphincters.

Steps to leave the diaper

The steps consist of:

1. The first step in defrosting is as soon as the child wakes up, puts her to pee in the bathroom and then wear a pair of panties or underwear to get used to the feeling of not being in diapers.

2. Ask several times if she wants to go to the bathroom to pee. Children usually pee for up to 2 hours after having eaten a meal or ingested liquids. So keep an eye on the clock and take it to the bathroom when it's time.

3. Watch for any signs that the baby wants to pee. Some are lying in the same position for a few seconds and if this happens take him quickly to pee.

4. If the time for him to pee is approaching, what you can do is put the baby sitting on the potty and place his feet in a basin of water. Usually children pee when their feet are wet.

Whenever the baby pees on the potty or in the pot, make many compliments and be very affectionate with him. If reinforcement is needed, buy stickers with little stars and other designs and give them as gifts whenever he can.

Even when it's normal to wear diapers

It is normal for children to wear diapers up to 2 years old, but some need more time. It is also normal for girls to leave diapers before boys that it is easier to leave the diaper than the diapers at night.

Know even when it is normal for the child to wet the bed.

4 Steps to teach your child to pee in the bathroom