
Know which remedies are used to treat panic syndrome and which plants and natural options exist to prevent panic attacks
Many drugs cause dizziness, such as anxiolytics, antihypertensives and anti-inflammatories, for example. Know what they are and what to do in this situation.
In some cases, taking medicine with the expired date can be harmful to your health and, therefore, and for the sake of enjoying its maximum effectiveness, you should frequently check the expiry date of medicines that are stored at home and discard those who are already ...
See which remedies are indicated for dry, allergic and phlegm cough in adults and children and learn about other natural alternatives to end this symptom
Some medications can cause or anticipate cataracts, such as corticosteroids and some antibiotics. Know which ones and what to do to avoid.
There are different types of eye drops to treat glaucoma, which work by different mechanisms. know more
The treatment for heart failure consists of an association of several drugs, prescribed by the cardiologist, according to the signs and symptoms that the person presents. know more
Remifemin is a herbal remedy developed based on Cimicifuga, a medicinal plant that can also be known as St. Christopher's Weed and that is very effective in reducing typical menopausal symptoms, such as hot flushes, mood swings, anxiety, vaginal dryness, ...
Some remedies such as antidepressants or antihypertensives, for example, can decrease libido by affecting the part of the nervous system responsible for libido or by decreasing testosterone levels in the body. In these cases, it is recommended to consult the doctor who prescribed the medicine ...
Rifampicin, Phenobarbital and even saw palmetto and St. John's wort can cut the effect of the contraceptive and the morning-after pill. see more
Learn the names of corticosteroids and other remedies for allergic rhinitis to relieve the symptoms of adults and children.
Reumon gel

Reumon gel

Reumon gel is a topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug from the Bial laboratory, whose active ingredient is Ethophenamate. Indications Muscle pain, rheumatic pain, bursitis, tendonitis, fibrosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, polyarthritis, spondylosis, osteoarthritis, low back pain, sciatica, ...
One of the ways to treat gastroesophageal reflux is to decrease the acidity of the stomach contents, so that it does not harm the esophagus. The remedies that can be used are antacids, inhibitors of acid production, protectors of the stomach and accelerators of gastric emptying. Look...
An excellent way to protect your baby and children from mosquito bites is to put a repellent sticker on your baby's clothes or stroller. There are brands like Mosquitan that have repellents impregnated with essential oils such as citronella that do not allow mosquitoes to ...


Revitan, also known as Revitan Junior, is a vitamin supplement that contains vitamin A, C, D and E, as well as B vitamins and folic acid, essential for nourishing children and helping their growth. Revitan is sold in syrup form and can be used by adults and ...


Remicade is indicated for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriasis, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.


Riluzole is a medication used to treat patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, as it acts on the central nervous system preventing the degradation of motor neurons. Riluzole can be purchased in pharmacies under the trade name Rilutek, produced by laboratories ...
Repoflor is a supplement that fights diarrhea in a few days, naturally because it contains yeasts that restore the intestine. See what it is for, how to take it, who should not use it and what are the most common side effects
There are some medications that can cause depression as a side effect, but that only affects a small percentage of people. See a list of remedies that can cause this effect.
Some medications, such as antidepressants, antiallergics or corticosteroids, can cause side effects that lead to weight gain.


Repatha is an injectable medicine that contains in its composition evolocumab, a substance that acts on the liver helping to reduce blood cholesterol levels. This medicine is produced by Amgen laboratories in the form of a pre-filled syringe, similar to pens of ...
Find out what types of repellent work, how to use these products correctly and which to choose. See also which repellents are most suitable for children and pregnant women and which are less effective
Severe mental retardation is characterized by the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) between 20 and 35. In this case, the person does not speak almost anything, and needs care for life, always being dependent and incapable. Know more.
Mental retardation is a condition, usually irreversible, characterized by an inferior intellectual capacity with learning and social adaptation difficulties, which is usually present from birth or which manifests itself in the early years of childhood.
Some examples of repellents that can be used by pregnant women, babies and children are OFF, Exposis and a homemade clove based. Meet others
See which remedies, products and vitamin and mineral supplements can be used to treat hair loss
Replacement is indicated to increase testosterone fighting symptoms such as decreased sexual desire and difficulty with erection.
Resveratrol is a phytonutrient that helps improve health, as it works by preventing cancer, improving the appearance of the skin and lowering cholesterol. Discover other benefits of resveratrol
Purtscher's retinopathy is an injury to the retina that arises after situations such as head trauma or pancreatitis. Learn how to identify and treat.
Learn which medicinal plants help fight menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia and irritability and how to use
Risedronate is an active substance in a bone resorption inhibitor medicine known commercially as Actonel. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of osteoporosis mainly after menopause. Indications for Risedronate Osteoporosis (postmenopausal or ...
Risperidone is an antipsychotic medication that is used to treat the symptoms of psychotic disorders, such as hallucinations and delusions. Risperidone is a compound that has an effective effect on several disorders related to thinking, emotions or activities, such as ...
Hypertensive retinopathy is characterized by a group of changes in the fundus, such as retinal arteries, veins and nerves, which are caused by hypertension. See how the classification is made, what the symptoms are and what the treatment consists of
Rivastigmine is a drug used to treat Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, as it increases the amount of acetylcholine in the brain, an important substance for the functioning of memory, learning and guidance of the individual. Rivastigmine is the active ingredient of ...


Revange is a medication for the treatment of moderate to severe pain in adults. Know the most common dosage and side effects
Rofecoxib (Vioxx) is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic medication from Merck Sharp & Dohme. Indications Pain relief, osteoarthritis, primary dysmenorrhea. Contraindications To people allergic to any component of the drug. Side effects Increases the risk of heart attack, ...
Blood rheumatism, also known as rheumatic fever, is a complication that can arise after throat infections. Better understand what it is, its symptoms and how the treatment is done
Ribavirin is a substance that, when associated with other specific remedies, such as alpha interferon, is indicated for the treatment of hepatitis C. Learn how to use, what are the contraindications and main side effects
Spray Rifocin is a drug that has the antibiotic rifamycin in its composition and is indicated for the treatment of skin infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to this active substance. See how to use, who should not use and what are the most common side effects