
There are several drugs that can be used to treat diarrhea, which have different mechanisms of action, and which are prescribed taking into account the cause. See the list of the main ones and when they can be used
There are medicines that contain lactase, which if taken before meals rich in dairy products or dissolved in these foods, allow people who are lactose intolerant to drink milk without developing side effects. Know the names of these remedies and ...
Ringworm remedies include ointments, lotions, sprays and pills like Terbafilina, Fluconazol, Miconazol or Itrazonazol, for example. Know when to use to treat skin, nails, scalp or groin
Some options for removing the white cloth quickly are the use of ointments, shampoos and pills based on antifungals. See what the options are
Dimethicone is a great example of a gas remedy, but ginger and fennel are also good natural options.
Treatment for intestinal infection usually consists of mitigating symptoms with rest, hydration and adequate nutrition. However, in some cases, if it is a bacterial infection that does not cure, it may be necessary to take an antibiotic.
A widely used remedy for human scabies is benzyl benzoate, however, the doctor may prescribe other substances for oral or topical use. Know which ones and see how to use
Treatment for vasomotor rhinitis consists of using saline solutions, decongestants and / or corticosteroids for nasal application. know more
In most cases, food poisoning passes by itself only with rest and rehydration. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to use medication to treat the problem. Know which
Gas in pregnancy is very common and causes pain in the belly in the form of stitches. Check out some examples of indicated remedies
Constipation can be combated with simple measures, such as physical activity and adequate nutrition, but also through the use of natural remedies or laxatives, which should be used as directed by the doctor. However, the use of any medicine for constipation, ...
The most commonly used pharmacy remedies to treat neck stiffness are analgesics, anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants that can be taken in tablets or applied directly to the site of pain using ointments, creams, gels or plasters. know more
Anemia drugs are prescribed when hemoglobin values ​​are below reference values, such as hemoglobin below 12 g / dl in women and below 13 g / dl in men. In addition, it is also recommended to take medications to prevent anemia after surgery ...
Domperidona, Plasil and Dramin are some of the remedies that control nausea and vomiting. See also the safest options for children and pregnant women.
To treat urticaria, pharmacy remedies can be used, which can be combined with other medications or ointments that help relieve itching and redness. In addition, the treatment can also be complemented with home remedies. See which
Baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, can be treated with oral or topical remedies. Know which ones and see how to use
Fluoxetine, Sertraline, Venlafaxine and Amitriptyline are examples of drugs used to treat depression. See more examples, names of homeopathic and natural remedies for depression
Miosan, Dorflex or Mioflex are muscle relaxants used in situations of muscle tension and pain and in cases of muscle contractures. See others.
The drugs that are usually prescribed for the treatment of influenza in children are analgesics, anti-inflammatories, antipyretics and / or antihistamines, which have the function of relieving symptoms such as pain in the body, throat and head, fever, congestion nasal, runny or cough, for ...
Vitamin C and D supplementation can increase the chances of the couple getting pregnant, but there are other options, see what they are.
Treatment for anxiety can be carried out with psychotherapy and / or medications that can help to reduce characteristic symptoms, such as anxiolytics, antidepressants or beta-blockers, for example, or with natural options, such as chamomile tea or St. John's wort. know more
The remedies that can be used against dengue are Paracetamol, also known as Tylenol, and Dipyrone, known as Novalgina. See also those that cannot be taken
Heartburn remedies, such as Pepsamar or Gaviscon, help to reduce the burning sensation in your throat and should be taken 1 to 3 hours after meals or at night, when the first symptoms appear. Although most heartburn remedies are over-the-counter, they should only be ...
Treatment to lower high cholesterol can be carried out with different types of medication, which must be prescribed by the doctor. Know which
When acute bronchitis does not go away, or if it is chronic bronchitis, it may be necessary to resort to drugs such as antibiotics, bronchodilators or mucolytics. see more
There are several remedies for those who have difficulty sleeping, including everything from natural options such as valerian, passionflower or chamomile to pharmacy remedies, which may or may not need a prescription. Check a list of the main remedies and which ones need a prescription


Reminyl is a medication that has the active substance Galantamine. This medication and oral use is used in mental problems like Alzheimer's. Its action softens the effects of the disease, protecting the functioning of the brain. Indications for Reminyl Alzheimer's disease (mild and moderate).
Replaglinide is the active substance in an antidiabetic medication known commercially as Novonorm. This oral medication is indicated for the treatment of diabetes in individuals who are not dependent on insulin. The action of Repaglinide consists of the release of insulin from ...


Reparil is an anti-inflammatory ointment used to treat localized edema of an inflammatory nature, such as bruises, bruises, bumps, torticollis, muscle and back pain. The active ingredient in Reparil is diethylammonium salicylate. Reparil is produced by the laboratory ...
The remedies to treat warts are recommended by the dermatologist according to the type of wart and its location. See what are the main remedies indicated to remove warts
Drug allergy does not happen with everyone, with some people being more sensitive to some substances than others. Thus, there are remedies that are at higher risk of causing allergy. These remedies usually cause symptoms like itchy skin, ...
Find out what medications your doctor can prescribe for the treatment of gastritis
The treatment for hepatitis depends on the type of hepatitis that the person has, as well as the signs, symptoms and evolution of the disease, which can be done with medication, lifestyle changes or in more severe chaos, it may be necessary to perform a transplant. liver. Hepatitis consists of ...


Reserpine is a substance from the root of the medicinal plant Rauwolfia serpentina, used to lower high blood pressure due to its hypotensive effect. It is used in antihypertensive remedies like Higroton. To learn more see: Higroton Reserpina. Indications of Reserpine A ...
Although there is no cure for multiple sclerosis, there are medications that help in the treatment, reducing inflammatory activity and outbreaks over time, thus decreasing the symptoms of physical disability characteristic of the disease. See which
To do mouth-to-mouth breathing, it is first necessary to know if the victim is breathing. To do this, place your index finger very close to your nostrils and check for any air. If not, start mouth-to-mouth breathing as follows: If possible, lay the victim down ...


Restasis is a medication that has Cyclosporine as an active ingredient. This drug for ophthalmic use is indicated for the treatment of dry eyes, since its immunosuppressive action reduces the discomfort of individuals who have little eye lubrication and little tears.
There are several remedies that, although not used to treat heart problems, have an effect on the organ, which, over time, can cause changes that lead to heart disease. Some of these remedies, such as antidepressants, anti-inflammatory drugs and ...
Mild mental retardation is characterized by a delay in the development of some behaviors, such as communication and learning, for example. Learn more about mild intellectual disability and the main features.