
Some drugs, such as platelet antiaggregants, anticoagulants or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, must be discontinued before surgery to avoid complications. Learn other remedies you should stop taking and why
Rosoxacino, active ingredient of the medicine known as Eradacil, is an antibacterial used to treat blenorrhagia or gonorrhea. This medicine works by preventing the multiplication of the bacteria responsible for the infection, stopping the evolution of the disease. Gonorrhea indications ...
Moderate mental retardation is when the person has an intelligence quotient (IQ) between 35 and 55. Thus, affected people are more slow to learn to speak or sit, but treatment can help. Know more.
The rimonabant known commercially as Acomplia or Redufast, is a medicine that was used to lose weight, with action on the central nervous system decreasing the appetite. This medication works by blocking receptors in the brain and peripheral organs, decreasing the hyperactivity of the system ...
Roxithromycin is an oral medicine known commercially as Rotram, Roxitram or Rulid. This medication is an antibacterial used to treat pharyngitis, skin or lung infections. Roxithromycin alters the mechanism of action of the disease-causing bacteria, which ends ...
Rosuvastatin calcium is the generic name of the reference drug sold commercially as Crestor. This medication is a fat reducer, which when used continuously reduces the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, when diet and physical activity are not ...
Allergic rhinitis is an inflammation of the mucosa that lines the nose that is caused by an allergic reaction, causing symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose and itchy nose. Generally, allergic rhinitis arises after being in contact with allergic substances such as dust, hair, ...
Chronic rhinitis has no cure, but there are several treatments that help control the most common symptoms, such as frequent sneezing, nasal obstruction, nasal voice, itchy nose, breathing through the mouth and snoring at night. Rhinitis is considered chronic when nasal obstruction ...
Retinoblastoma is a rare type of cancer that can appear in one or both eyes of the baby, causing a white reflection in the center of the eye and even changes in the color of the iris. Better understand how this problem happens, what signs and symptoms to watch out for and what treatment options
A stuffy nose and a runny nose may indicate rhinitis and treatment should be indicated by a pediatrician but it can be done with hygiene care at home, offering plenty of water and keeping your nose always clean
Rhinophyma is a condition characterized by the presence of lumps in the nose that arise as a result of rosacea, which is a chronic dermatological disease that affects the central region of the face. See what rhinophyma is, the possible causes and how the treatment is done.
Gingival retraction occurs when there is a decrease in the amount of gingiva that covers the tooth. See how to treat and when surgery is needed.
Pigmentary retinosis is the degeneration of the retina that causes some symptoms such as vision loss. This type of alteration of the eye can be hereditary or can be caused by infections such as CMV. know more
Abdominoplasty is a safe plastic surgery, however, there are risks, such as scar opening, loss of sensation and infection. know more
Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa that is usually caused by allergy and has as main symptoms runny nose. Find out what are the main symptoms and the difference between rhinitis, sinusitis and rhinosinusitis.
Lipocavitation, or lipo without surgery, is an aesthetic procedure with few risks that can cause burns or increase bad cholesterol. Know more.
Chronic rhinitis occurs when allergic attacks persist for more than three consecutive months. The main manifestation is frequent and successive sneezing and a runny nose. Find out how the treatment is done and what are the causes of chronic rhinitis.
Vasomotor rhinitis is an inflammation of the nose that causes symptoms such as constant runny nose, itchy nose and a feeling of phlegm in the throat. Understand what causes it and how treatment can be done
The practice of bodybuilding has many health risks that include laceration of muscles, tendons and ligaments due to overtraining, in addition to hypertension, hormonal dysregulation and kidney or liver cancer due to the use of hormones such as Winstrol and GH, and steroids ...
Surgery to place the silicone prosthesis in the butt presents risks as in any other surgery, but when the procedure is performed in a safe place such as in a clinic or hospital by a specialized team with well-trained surgeons, these risks can be reduced.
Ritonavir is an antiretroviral substance that prevents HIV from multiplying in the body, preventing people with the virus from developing AIDS. See how to take and what side effects
The powder for oral rehydration is used in case of mild or moderate dehydration in adults and children, composed of sodium, potassium, glucose and citrate and is sold commercially under the names of Hidrafix; Floralyte and Pedialyte. Indications of salts for oral rehydration ...
This fruit salad has fewer calories than it usually does because it is made with low-calorie fruits and lots of fiber and water and that is why it is great for weight loss. The fruits selected for this salad have few negative calories. That is, it has fewer calories than ...
What it is: Rhinoplasty, or nose plastic surgery, is a surgical procedure that is done most of the time for aesthetic purposes, that is, to improve the profile of the nose, change the tip of the nose or decrease the width of the bone, for example, and make the face more harmonious. However, the ...
The rupture of the foreskin brake usually occurs when it is shorter than normal. Here's how to stop bleeding and speed healing.
Aerolin, whose active ingredient is salbutamol, is a bronchodilator remedy, that is, it serves to dilate the bronchi, used in the treatment, control and prevention of asthma attacks, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Aerolin, produced by GlaxoSmithKline Brasil laboratories, can be ...
It is normal for a woman to start snoring during pregnancy. It is normal and this usually starts in the second trimester of pregnancy, disappearing after the baby is born. The woman may start to snore during pregnancy due to the increase in progesterone which can lead to swelling of the airways ...
The Salonpas plaster is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicinal patch that must be glued to the skin to treat pain in a small region, achieving rapid relief. The Salonpas plaster contains in each adhesive methyl salicylate, L-menthol, D-camphor, glycol salicylate and thymol, ...


Salisoap is a topical medication that has Salicylic Acid as its active ingredient. This medication produces the desquamation of areas of the skin that are in excess of keratosis or keratin (protein), being used in the treatment of pimples and seborrheic dermatitis. Salisoap can be ...
Salmeterol is the active ingredient in medically sold serevent diskus, which is used to treat asthma and other breathing difficulties. Indications Prevention of bronchospasm associated with asthma, bronchitis, emphysema; prevention of exercise-induced bronchospasm.
Rozerem is a sleeping pill that contains ramelteone, a substance that helps you fall asleep and maintain a relaxing and quality sleep. See when it is indicated and how to take
Photoepilation is an aesthetic procedure that, when done wrong, can cause burns and skin changes. Know other risks.
There are 4 types of wrinkles, which start after 20 or 30 years of age, and get worse as we get older. Find out how they arise and what to do.
The testicular rupture happens when there is a very strong blow in the region, causing very severe pain and intense swelling. Here's how to treat.


Sanasar is an antiparasitic medication whose active ingredient is Benzyl Benzoate. This topical drug is effective in treating skin conditions like scabies and eliminating lice. Sanasar acts on the nervous system of parasites causing their death, the ...
The tongue coating is characterized by a white plate on the tongue that is formed by the remains of cells, food and microorganisms in the mouth. Understand more about the coating, main causes and how the treatment is done
Rosacea is a skin disease characterized by redness on the face, especially on the cheeks, which is more frequent in women, and is often confused with Acne. Learn how to recognize rosacea and know the main types and how treatment is done