
Baby Tylenol is a medication that has paracetamol in its composition, indicated to reduce fever and temporarily relieve pain. Find out which dosage is indicated, who should not use it and what side effects may occur
Tylenol sinus is a remedy for flu, cold and sinusitis, which reduces symptoms such as nasal congestion, headache and fever. Its formula contains paracetamol, an analgesic and antipyretic, and pseudoephedrine hydrochloride that acts on nasal congestion. Learn how to take, and care ...
It is a rare infection that destroys skin cells and should be treated quickly with antibiotics. Know how to identify.
Thrombosis is the formation of a thrombus in the vein, usually in the legs, arms, lung or brain. Check the risks and how to avoid
Duodenal ulcer is a small wound that arises in the duodenum, which is the first part of the intestine, which connects directly to the stomach. See what are the most common symptoms and how treatment is done.
Ultra-cavitation is a safe, painless and non-invasive therapeutic technique that uses a low-frequency ultrasound to eliminate localized fat and reshape the silhouette. See how it works and what results
There are several types of contraceptives, such as a combined pill, mini-pill, vaginal ring or transdermal patch, for example, that can be changed when indicated by the doctor. See how to proceed in each case to correctly change the contraceptive without running the risk of ...


Urovit is an analgesic remedy indicated to treat pain and burning when urinating in patients with urinary tract infection, after surgery or using catheters, for example. Urovit contains phenazopyridine hydrochloride and is produced by União Química laboratories and can be ...
3D ultrasound identifies details of the baby's face and shapes, while in 4D it is possible to see its movements. Know when 3D and 4D ultrasound are indicated
Menstruating more than once a month or having a darker menstruation than normal are changes that can make any woman worried. Understand if it could be a problem and also see the answer to other common questions
A gastric ulcer is a wound in the stomach that causes symptoms such as stomach pain, burning and nausea. Learn how to confirm and treatment options.
Corneal ulcer is a wound that arises in the cornea of ​​the eye and causes inflammation, causing symptoms such as pain, a feeling of something stuck in the eye or blurred vision. See how to identify, its causes, how the treatment is done and how to prevent its onset
Varicose ulcer is a wound that is usually located on the leg, very difficult to heal due to insufficient circulation in the area. See how to treat
Check out the 7 exercises that are part of the 30-minute workout to strengthen and tone the gluteal, abdominal and leg muscles.
Ultrasound identifies the gestational age, as well as allows the assessment of the baby's development and identifies diseases.
Urethritis is inflammation of the urethra that can cause symptoms such as painful urination and itching in the intimate area. See all signs and what treatment options are available
Dark urine can be caused by dehydration, taking medications or some illnesses such as urinary tract infection or kidney stones. Check out the main causes of this change and what to do in each situation
Urispas is a drug indicated for the treatment of problems in the urinary tract such as urinary urgency, difficulty and pain when urinating or incontinence.
Urogynecology is a medical sub-specialty that deals with the female urinary system. Find out what can be treated by the urogynecologist and when to go.
The attenuated herpes zoster vaccine is a vaccine that helps to activate the immune system, helping to prevent the onset of herpes zoster, also popularly known as shingles. Herpes zoster is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox and the vaccine has the virus in its formulation ...
The urologist is the doctor responsible for taking care of the male reproductive organs and treating the urinary system of men and women. Understand what the urologist does and when it is recommended to go to an appointment.
Normally the premature baby stays in the neonatal ICU until he is able to breathe alone, weigh more than 2 kg and develop the suction reflex, which is why some babies may be hospitalized longer than others. After this period the premature baby can go home with the parents, and can ...
Ursodiol is indicated for the dissolution of gallstones formed by cholesterol, with doses between 300 and 600 mg per day being recommended.
Ursofalk is a medicine indicated for the dissolution of gallstones or other diseases of the gallbladder, treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis, treatment of poor digestion and qualitative changes in bile. know more
Nervous urticaria corresponds to an allergic reaction triggered by emotional changes, leading to the formation of reddish plaques that itch intensely. Understand more about nervous urticaria and how the treatment is done.
Cholinergic urticaria is a type of heat allergy that leads to lumps, redness and itching of the skin when the body has a higher temperature. Learn how to identify cholinergic urticaria and what to do
The didelfo uterus is characterized by a rare congenital anomaly, in which the woman has two uteri. These women may become pregnant but the risk of miscarriage or premature birth is increased. know more
The woman with an infant uterus can become pregnant if she has normal ovaries, as there is ovulation and, consequently, fertilization can happen. However, if the uterus is very small, the chances of spontaneous abortion are high, since there is not enough space for the development of the ...
Weak and brittle nails can be indicative of hypothyroidism, dermatological diseases and anemia, for example. So it is important to see a doctor when you notice that your nails are more fragile. Know the main causes of weak nails.
The Neonatal ICU is a hospital environment designed for babies who were born with problems that can interfere with their development or who were born before 37 weeks of gestation and with low weight. Learn how the Neonatal ICU works and w
TRX, also known as suspension tape, is a device widely used during functional training, as it promotes strengthening of the abdominal muscles, ensuring greater balance and stability. Understand what TRX is, main benefits and examples of exercises
A new vaccine that promises to fight Alzheimer's symptoms is being tested in humans. know more
The cholera vaccine is used to prevent infection by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, which is the microorganism responsible for the disease. However, this vaccine is not available to everyone, nor to all regions. Check when it is indicated and what types ...
The diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine, also known as DTPa, is very important to prevent the onset of these infections. Generally, the vaccine should be made in childhood, but it can also be taken during adulthood, especially in the case of pregnant women.
What it is: The infant uterus, also known as hypoplastic uterus or hypotrophic hypogonadism, is a congenital malformation in which the uterus does not fully develop during a woman's life, maintaining the same size as that presented during childhood. Generally, the uterus ...