
The treatment for transposition of the great arteries, which is when the baby is born with the arteries of the heart inverted, is not done during pregnancy, so after the baby is born, it is necessary to have surgery to correct the defect. However, to ensure that the newborn ...
Venous thrombosis is curable, and there are options for remedies, such as Heparin, and surgery. Know how it is done, and signs of improvement and worsening.
To treat PMS, which is the premenstrual syndrome, there are medications that help to relieve both the symptoms of irritability and sadness, such as fluoxetine and sertraline, and the symptoms of pain and malaise, such as ibuprofen or mefenamic acid, better known as ponstan, for ...
The treatment of short bowel syndrome is based on adapting food and nutritional supplements, in order to compensate for the reduced absorption of vitamins and minerals that the missing portion of the intestine causes, so that the patient is not malnourished or dehydrated. THE...
Laser treatment for the face can be indicated in the case of blemishes, wrinkles and scars, for example. Find out how laser treatment is done for the face
Triamterene is the active substance in a diuretic indicated for the treatment of edema associated with heart failure and liver cirrhosis. This oral medication interferes with the reabsorption of sodium in the kidneys, leading to sodium and water excretion and potassium retention.
Treatment for infant uterus is done according to the recommendation of the gynecologist and consists of the use of hormone-based drugs to stimulate the growth of the uterus and establish the normal functions of the female organs. The infant uterus is a condition in which the ...
Treatment for urticaria involves the use of antihistamine drugs and, depending on the case, corticosteroids. Understand how hives are treated
Tricangine A is an antifungal medication whose active substances are Mepartricin and Tetracycline. This medicine for vaginal use is indicated for the treatment of diseases such as candidiasis, since its action weakens the fungi and eliminates them from the body, reducing symptoms ...
Triaton Vit is a food supplement indicated for individuals who do not eat properly and suffer from a lack of nutrients in the body. This supplement for oral use, contains in its formula vitamins and minerals that complete what is missing in food, helping to reach levels ...
The spider veins in the legs can be eliminated with the use of creams, medicines, or with medical treatment such as sclerotherapy. Check the names of the remedies, some products and tips that can help eliminate this disease in the bud.
Nystatin is one of the main remedies used to treat thrush, scientifically called oral candidiasis. See how to apply correctly to ensure correct treatment
What it is: Triconodose is the presence of knots in the hair that can arise due to the inappropriate use of chemicals or friction of the hair. Causes of Triconodose Excessive friction of the hair; Iron the board without combing your hair first; Do not hydrate the hair properly; Use products ...
Trazodone is indicated for the treatment of depression, anxiety or chronic or neurogenic pain. Recommended doses should be indicated by the doctor.
Trifluoperazine is an active substance in an antipsychotic medication known commercially as Stelazine. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of anxiety and schizophrenia, its action serves to block the impulses generated by the neurotransmitter dopamine in the ...
Trimedal tablet is a medication that relieves the symptoms of the flu and the common cold. Trimedal has in its composition Paracetamol, Dimethindene Maleate, Rutoside, Phenylephrine Hydrochloride and Ascorbic Acid, compounds that make this medicine have an analgesic action, ...
Home treatments, changes in diet and aesthetic treatments are some of the options to lose belly and eliminate fat. Check out the best options
Triprolidine is an antiallergic indicated for the treatment of conjunctivitis, rhinitis and urticaria. This medicine for oral use binds to the body's histamine receptors and reduces all allergic reactions that cause discomfort to the individual, such as itching, irritation, redness and pain.
Sleep apnea is a major cause of snoring at night. Check out the treatment options to fight sleep apnea and understand when each one is used
Usually, treatment for bacterial vaginosis is done with antibiotics. In addition, there are also home remedies that can help relieve symptoms and preventive measures to prevent a relapse. See which
Triptorelin is an antineoplastic medication that has Neo Decapeptyl as its active substance. This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of prostate cancer, since its action stimulates the production of hormones and reduces the production of testosterone, thus having ...
Obstructed tubes make it difficult to become pregnant because they prevent the passage of the egg to the uterus, but this problem can be treated with surgery.
GVT training aims to promote hypertrophy and consists of 10 sets of 10 repetitions, being indicated for people who have been training for a while and who want to gain muscle mass. Understand what GVT training is and how it is done
ABC training is widely used by those who want to increase and define muscle mass, and it is important that it is recommended by a physical education professional. Understand what ABC training is and how it is done
Artificial pancreas, nanovacins and stem cells are among the treatments that seek to cure diabetes. Check out the others and how they work.
Treatment for vulvovaginitis depends on the cause of the inflammation or infection in the woman's intimate area. The most common causes are infections by bacteria, fungi, parasites, poor hygiene or exposure to irritants. When this situation is recurrent, it can be ...
Interval training is a great option to increase metabolism and accelerate the fat burning process. Understand what interval training is and what types
A great natural treatment for anemia is to drink fruit juices rich in iron or vitamin C daily, such as oranges, grapes, açaí and genipap. Here's how to prepare.
The Beck Triad is characterized by a set of three signs that are associated with cardiac tamponade. Know which ones and know how is the treatment
Treatment for bipolarity consists of taking medications, psychotherapy and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Learn more about treatment.


Triancil is a drug indicated for the treatment of several diseases, such as bursitis, epicondylitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or acute arthritis.
Tropicamide is an active substance in a diagnostic aid known commercially as Ciclomidrin. This medication for ophthalmic use is indicated to produce mydriasis and cyclopega, since it blocks the responses of the iris and causes dilation of the pupil. Indications of ...
What it is: Tricoepithelioma, also known as sebaceous adenoma type Balzer, is a benign skin tumor derived from hair follicles, which leads to the appearance of small hard balls that can appear as a single lesion or multiple tumors, being more frequent in the skin of the face,...