
Vancomycin is an injectable antibiotic used in the hospital to treat serious infections by some types of bacteria, especially in the bones, lungs, skin, muscles and heart. Thus, this medication can be indicated by the doctor to treat various health problems, such as ...


Vanisto is a powdered medicine for inhalation, indicated for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. See what it is for, how to take it and what the price is
Valerimed is a soothing remedy that contains Valeriana Officinalis dry extract, indicated to help induce sleep. Learn how to use and what side effects can occur


Venalot is a remedy used to treat vein problems such as varicose veins, hemorrhoids or leg ulcers, for example, as it works by improving circulation and reducing swelling in the veins. Venalot is produced by the pharmaceutical laboratory Takeda Pharma and can be purchased at pharmacies under ...
Champix is ​​a remedy that has varenicline tartrate in its composition, indicated to help stop smoking. Find out how it works, how to take it and what are the most common side effects


Verapamil is the active substance in an antiarrhythmic medication known commercially as Dilacoron. This medicine for oral and injectable use is indicated for the treatment of high blood pressure and chest pain. Its action consists of decreasing the concentration of calcium in the heart and ...
What it is: Varicell gel cream and Varicell Phyto are remedies that are indicated for the treatment of symptoms of venous insufficiency, such as pain, heaviness and tiredness in the legs, swelling, cramps, itching and fragile capillary. These products can be purchased at pharmacies for ...


Velcade is a medication that has Bortezomibe as its active ingredient. This medication is an injectable antineoplastic agent, used to treat tumors such as multiple myeloma. Its action consists of interrupting the cell's balancing mechanism, resulting in growth retardation ...
Varicocele is a type of varicose vein that appears in the testicular veins, causing pain and swelling. Treatment is usually done with surgery, but there are also other options. See which
Venlafaxine is the active ingredient of the drug commercially sold as Efexor, an antidepressant that is also indicated for the treatment of various types of pathological anxiety. Indications Depression in adults, pathological anxiety, low levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in ...


Venoruton is a medicine that has Rutoside as an active ingredient. This medication is used to relieve varicose veins and can be administered orally or topically. Venoruton acts directly on blood vessels, reducing post-surgical edema, inflammation and possible ...


Vermolise is a natural supplement indicated to eliminate intestinal parasites, helping to clean the intestine, which should be taken 3 times a day.


ersa is an anticoagulant medication that has the active substance Enoxaparin. This drug for injectable use is indicated for the treatment of thrombosis, since it acts by decreasing the production of a substance called thrombin, which leads to the development of the disease. Versa indications ...
Churg-Strauss vasculitis is a rare autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and destruction of blood vessels, especially of the nose, lungs, intestines and heart, causing asthma-like symptoms such as runny nose, difficulty breathing or wheezing, for example. Vasculitis of ...
Check the table and find out the ideal cholesterol values ​​in adults, children and adolescents.


Vertix is ​​a remedy indicated for the treatment of migraine, mental confusion and changes in sleep, for example, and should only be used as directed by the doctor. This medication is composed of flunarizine dihydrochloride and is produced by the Aché laboratory. Vertix indications Vertix ...
What it is: Valvuloplasty is the surgery performed to correct a defect in a heart valve so that blood circulation occurs correctly. This surgery may only involve repairing the damaged valve or replacing it with one made of metal, coming from a ...


Vasopril is a drug indicated for the treatment of high blood pressure and heart failure, which should be taken 1 or 2 times a day.


Vesanoid is an antineoplastic medication that has Tretinoin as its active substance. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of acute leukemia, since its action prevents the proliferation of cancer cells by the body. Indications for Vesanoid Acute leukemia.
Varicose veins in the uterus can be seen on ultrasound and treatment can be done with medication or surgery. Know the symptoms, how the diagnosis is made and if it interferes with the pregnancy
In childhood urticaria vasculitis, the child has round, red or purple patches on the skin, which appear suddenly, but usually the child appears to be well, without appearing to be sick. This disease has only 1 episode in life. It is also called edema ...
Vigabatrin is an anti-epileptic remedy that works by inhibiting the enzyme responsible for the catabolism of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the nervous system, reducing the chances of developing an epileptic seizure. Vigabatrin can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the trade name of ...


Vidaza is an antineoplastic medication that has Azacitidine as its active substance. This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of cancer, since it changes the DNA of cells and prevents the proliferation of cancer cells to other organs. Vidaza indications ...


Viminol is the active substance in a medicine known commercially as Dividol. This medication for oral use is indicated for pain since it acts as a centrally acting analgesic on the central nervous system, decreasing pain responses. Indications for Viminol Pain (in general).
Vinblastine is an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Velban. This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of various types of cancer, including breast, kidney and testicular cancer. Its action consists in inhibiting cell division preventing the ...
Warts are small lesions on the skin, usually harmless, caused by the HPV virus, which can appear on any part of the body, such as on the face, foot, groin or hands. There are 5 different types of warts and treatments
Vasectomy is the recommended surgery for men who no longer want to have children, being a simple intervention that can be done in the office in a few minutes. Understand better when it is indicated, how it is done and 7 other common questions
Some studies point out that the excessive use of aromatic candles can cause health problems such as headache and asthmatic crisis. Find out more why it's bad for your health and which type is best
Hopi candle, also known as Indian candle or Hindu cone, is a natural treatment not recommended by otorhinolaryngologists, although it is often used to treat sinusitis. See what the risks are and what to do
What it is: Persistent fetal vascularization, known scientifically as hyperplastic persistence of the primitive vitreous, is a rare malformation in the baby's eyes, which causes the appearance of a white membrane inside the child's eye. Generally, persistent fetal vascularization ...
Vitamin A is used to make hair grow faster when it is used as food and not when it is added, in the form of ampoules, to shampoos or conditioners. A good way to use vitamin A to make your hair grow faster is to drink orange juice with carrots daily.
Venvanse is a medication used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children over 6 years old, teenagers and adults. See how to use, who should not use and what side effects
Noninvasive ventilation, better known as NIV, consists of a method to help a person breathe, using devices that are not introduced into the respiratory system, such as CPAP and BiPAP. Learn more about the main types and indications
Watching television up close does not hurt the eyes because the latest TV sets, launched from the 90s onwards, no longer emit radiation and therefore do not impair vision. However, watching television with the light off can be harmful to eye health because the pupil ends up having ...
Visual is an antiseptic eye drops, boric acid and naphazoline, which helps to disinfect the eyes, calming irritation and helping to treat some eye infections. Visual is produced by Sandoz laboratories and can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of 15 bottles ...
Verutex B is a cream with fusidic acid and betamethasone in its composition, indicated for the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases, susceptible or accompanied by a bacterial infection. Learn how to use and what side effects
Gentian violet is widely used to treat infections caused by fungi, mainly Candida albicans. Know what it is for and how to use gentian violet.