
The hepatitis B vaccine is indicated for immunization against infection by all known subtypes of the hepatitis B virus in adults and children. This vaccine induces the formation of antibodies against the hepatitis B virus and is part of the child's basic vaccination schedule. The...


Valdecoxib is an active substance in an analgesic medication known commercially as Bextra. This injectable medicine is indicated for the reduction of pain and for the prevention of pain after surgery. Indications for Valdecoxib Pain (moderate and severe); surgical pain ...
Learn how to use and what are the side effects of vaginal eggs Utrogestan 100 mg and 200 mg
Valganciclovir is an antiviral medicine that helps to inhibit viral DNA synthesis, preventing the multiplication of some types of viruses. Valganciclovir can be purchased from conventional pharmacies, with a prescription, in the form of tablets under the trade name Valcyte. Price of ...


Valsartan is an antihypertensive medication used to treat high blood pressure problems. Valsartan is a medicine produced by Novartis or Medley laboratories, for example, and is marketed in the form of pills. Valsartan price Valsartan price varies between 18 and 100 reais, ...
Urticaria is an allergic reaction on the skin that manifests itself through reddish, itchy patches that usually become more swollen, as shown in the image. Usually, hives symptoms last up to 24 hours, disappearing without leaving marks or scars. However, the spots ...
Valvulopathies are diseases that affect the heart valves, causing them not to function properly. The 4 valves of the heart are: the tricuspid, mitral, pulmonary and aortic valves, which open and close whenever the heart beats, allowing blood to circulate. When you ...
The human rabies vaccine is used to prevent human rabies, before or after exposure to the virus. Know when to take, how many doses to take and what are the most common side effects
The BCG vaccine is indicated to prevent tuberculosis, as it stimulates the body to produce antibodies against the disease. See when it should be administered and what are the possible adverse effects


The Dengvaxia vaccine prevents dengue in children and adults, but is only recommended for those who have had dengue previously or live in a risk area
Meningitis is a disease caused by a gram-negative bacterium called Neisseria meningitidis. Know that vaccines protect the body from this disease.
Warfarin is an anticoagulant medicine used to treat cardiovascular diseases, which inhibits vitamin K-dependent clotting factors. It has no effect on clots already formed, but acts to prevent the appearance of new thrombi in blood vessels. THE...
Although very rare, the flu vaccine can cause Guillain-Barré Syndrome, a degenerative neurological disease that can lead to death. know more
Putting gel nails can be a good solution to keep nails well done for more than a week, but over time the nails can become fragile.
Uro-vaxom is a vaccine for urinary tract infection, in the form of tablets, composed of components extracted from Escherichia coli, which acts by stimulating the body's natural defenses, being used to prevent recurrent infections of the urinary tract or as an adjunct in the treatment of .. .
Find out how it works, who can take it and the price of injections that can cure allergies
A vaccine that could treat type 1 diabetes is being tested in humans, after several years of research. It is a vaccine with the name Diamyd that is undergoing phase 2 tests, and has produced good results, with the final results expected for the second half of ...
Varicose veins are damaged veins that do not fulfill their function satisfactorily, leaving the accumulated blood, creating a feeling of heaviness, pain and discomfort, especially in the legs. Although there are very good treatments for varicose veins, there is still no miracle cure for the disease. O...
The hepatitis A vaccine is one of the forms of hepatitis prevention, however it is not considered mandatory by the National Immunization Program of the Ministry of Health. See what are the indications for the hepatitis A vaccine and possible side effects
The vaccine is part of the child's basic vaccination schedule, but can be given at any age to prevent rubella. See who can't take it.
Vacuotherapy, or endermology, is a treatment that consists of sliding equipment over the skin, performing a suction that takes the skin off the muscle, being great for removing contractures and improving lymphatic circulation. This aesthetic treatment is usually used to combat ...
The pentavalent vaccine is a vaccine that provides active immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis B and diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b. Learn how to use and what reactions can occur
The 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, also known as Prevenar 13, is a vaccine that helps protect the body against 13 different types of the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae, responsible for diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis, bacteremia or otitis media. see more
The tetravalent vaccine that protects babies and children against viral diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox is included in the vaccination schedule and must be done after 15 months. Better understand what the vaccine is for and how it should be done
The short vagina syndrome is a congenital malformation in which the girl has a vaginal canal of only 1 to 2 cm, as opposed to 6 to 12 cm. See how to identify this change and how treatment can be done
Vacuotherapy is a good treatment for cellulite, which consists of using a device that slides over the skin and using a vacuum to detach the skin from the muscle. Find out more details, benefits, guidelines to follow at home and when treatment is contraindicated
What it is: Atrophic vaginitis is characterized by the manifestation of a set of symptoms such as dryness, itching and vaginal irritation, which is very common in women after menopause, but which can also occur in the postpartum period, during breastfeeding or due to side effects of ...
The Triple Viral Vaccine protects the organism from Measles, Mumps and Rubella, offering 90% to 100% protection. Know when to take and reactions.
Bacterial vaginosis is a major cause of white discharge. See which symptoms and remedies are used in the treatment.
The tetanus vaccine, also known as tetanus vaccine, serves to prevent tetanus in children and adults, and should be taken early in childhood.
The inverted uterus is a very common situation, which is neither a disease nor a danger to women's health. Check out the symptoms and how to treat.
Valeriane is a medication used as a moderate sedative and as an aid in the treatment of sleep disorders associated with anxiety. This remedy has in its composition an extract of the medicinal plant Valeriana officinalis, which acts on the Central Nervous System, exerting a slight calming and ...
Itching, discharge and redness in the intimate area are signs of vaginitis. Learn how to identify this inflammation, how to treat and prevent it.
Bacterial vaginosis is one of the most frequent infections during pregnancy, which does not affect the baby, but which can increase the risk of premature birth. Understand which symptoms to watch out for and how treatment is done
In 1998 a British doctor named Dr. Andrew Wakefield stated in a scientific paper published in England that Autism could be caused by the MMR vaccine. Many concerned parents have stopped vaccinating their children. Understand what happened and whether today's vaccines can cause autism