Home Bulls How to get pregnant with someone who has had a vasectomy

How to get pregnant with someone who has had a vasectomy


The best way to get pregnant with someone who has had a vasectomy is to have unprotected intercourse up to 3 months after the surgical procedure, as during this period some sperm may still come out during ejaculation, increasing the chances of pregnancy.

After this period, the chances of pregnancy are minimal and if the couple really wants to get pregnant, the man must undergo another surgery to reverse the vasectomy and rewire the cut vas deferens.

However, rewiring surgery may not be completely effective, especially if the procedure is done 5 years after the vasectomy, because over time the body starts to produce antibodies capable of eliminating sperm when they are produced, reducing the chances of pregnancy even with rewiring surgery.

How is surgery done to reverse vasectomy

This surgery is performed under general anesthesia at the hospital and usually takes 2 to 4 hours, with recovery also taking a few hours. However, most men can return home on the same day.

Although recovery is rapid, a period of 3 weeks is required before returning to daily activities, including intimate contact. During this time, the doctor may prescribe some painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, to relieve the discomfort that can arise especially when walking or sitting.

Surgery to reverse vasectomy has a greater chance of success when it is done in the first 3 years, with more than half of the cases managing to get pregnant again.

Check out the most common questions about vasectomy.

Option to get pregnant after vasectomy

In cases where the man does not intend to have the canal rewiring surgery or the surgery was not effective to get pregnant again, the couple may choose to have IVF .

In this technique, the sperm are collected, by a doctor, directly from the channel that was connected to the testicle and then introduced into a sample of eggs, in the laboratory, to form embryos which are then placed inside the woman's uterus, in order to produce a pregnancy..

In some cases, the man may even leave some sperm frozen before the vasectomy, so that they can be used later in fertilization techniques, without having to collect directly from the testicle.

Learn more about how the IVF technique works.

How to get pregnant with someone who has had a vasectomy