Home Bulls What is dermatofibroma and how to eliminate

What is dermatofibroma and how to eliminate


Dermatofibroma, also known as fibrous histiocytoma, consists of a small, benign skin protrusion with a pink, red or brown color, which results from a growth and accumulation of dermis cells, usually in reaction to an injury to the skin. skin, such as a cut, wound or insect bite, and it is also very common in people with compromised immune systems, especially in women.

Dermatofibromas are firm and are about 7 to 15 millimeters in diameter, and can appear anywhere on the body, being more common on the arms, legs and back.

Generally, dermatofibromas are asymptomatic and do not need treatment, however, for aesthetic reasons, many people want to eliminate these skin bumps, which can be removed through cryotherapy or surgery, for example.

Possible causes

Dermatofibroma results from the growth and accumulation of cells in the dermis, usually in reaction to a skin lesion, such as a cut, wound or insect bite, and is also very common in people with compromised immune systems, such as people with autoimmune diseases. immune, HIV, or being treated with immunosuppressive drugs, for example.

Dermatofibromas can appear isolated or several throughout the body, called multiple dermatofibromas, which are very common in people with systemic lupus.

What are the signs and symptoms

Dermatofibromas appear as pink, red or brownish bumps, which can appear on any part of the body, being more common on the legs, arms and trunk. They are usually asymptomatic, but in some cases they can cause pain, itching and tenderness in the region.

In addition, the color of dermatofibromas may change over the years, but generally the size remains stable.

How the diagnosis is made

The diagnosis is made through a physical examination, which can be done with the aid of dermatoscopy, which is a technique for skin evaluation using a dermatoscope. Learn more about dermatoscopy.

If the dermatofibroma looks different than normal, gets irritated, bleeds or gets an abnormal shape, the doctor may recommend performing a biopsy.

What is the treatment

Treatment is generally not necessary because dermatofibromas do not cause symptoms. However, in some cases, treatment is done for aesthetic reasons.

The doctor may recommend the removal of dermatofibromas through cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, corticosteroid injection or laser therapy. In addition, in some cases, dermatofibromas can also be removed through surgery.

What is dermatofibroma and how to eliminate