Home Symptoms 10 Tips for not getting fat at Christmas

10 Tips for not getting fat at Christmas


During Christmas and New Year's Eve there is always a lot of food on the table and probably a few extra pounds soon after.

To avoid this situation, check out our 10 tips for eating and not getting fat at Christmas:

1. Put the candies on one plate

Put all the Christmas sweets and desserts you like best on one dessert plate.

If they don't fit, cut them in half, but it's not worth putting them on top of each other! You can eat all that fit in these centimeters.

2. Exercise before and after Christmas

Do more physical exercise in the days before and after Christmas to make up for it, spending the calories you eat the most.

3. Always have green tea nearby

Prepare a thermos of green tea and drink it during the day, so the body is more hydrated and less hungry. See other benefits of green tea.

4. Don't sit at the table

Don't sit at the Christmas table all day, direct your attention to guests and gifts, for example. Sitting helps to accumulate calories and facilitates weight gain.

5. Eat fruit before Christmas dinner

That's right! Before starting the Christmas dinner, eat a fruit, preferably a pear or banana, to reduce hunger and thus eat less with the meal.

6. Prefer healthy desserts

True, we said that we could eat the desserts that fit on the plate. But, it is also preferable to pay attention to the healthier ones, such as those prepared with fruit or gelatin, for example.

See a great healthy recipe to make with pineapple! It can even be ingested by diabetics.

7. Use less sugar in Christmas recipes

This is easy and the taste is almost the same, we promise! Use only half the amount of sugar in your recipes and save some calories.

8. Avoid the fatty foods

Do not eat butter or margarine or fried foods. This way you can eat other dishes without accumulating excess calories.

9. Write down everything you eat

As soon as you eat, write down what you ate! This will give you a better idea of ​​the amount of calories you have consumed during the day.

10. Don't skip meals

Although it is our last tip, this is golden! Never miss a meal because of the party that will follow at the end of the day. If you go without eating for a long time, it is natural that the feeling of hunger will increase and that control over food will decrease.

10 Tips for not getting fat at Christmas