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Itchy scrotum: what it can be and what to do


Itching in the intimate region, especially in the scrotal sac, is a relatively common symptom and, in most cases, is not related to any health problem, arising only from the presence of sweat and friction in the region throughout the day.

However, when this itchiness is very intense and leads to the appearance of small wounds, for example, it can be a first sign of a more serious problem, such as an infection or inflammation of the skin.

Thus, when the symptom does not disappear quickly, it is best to consult a urologist or a dermatologist before using any type of ointment or treatment, to identify whether there is any problem and to start the most appropriate treatment.

1. Excessive sweat

Excessive sweating in the intimate area is the main cause of itching in the scrotal sac and, for this reason, this symptom occurs especially at the end of the day or when exercising.

Thus, poor hygiene can also be an important cause of itching, as there is a greater accumulation of sweat over time. In addition, if poor hygiene continues, infections may even arise in the region, especially by fungi, as they multiply very quickly in hot and humid places.

What to do: you should always try to maintain proper body hygiene, taking a shower once a day and always after doing intense physical exercise that causes the production of sweat. The itchy feeling usually disappears after a shower.

2. Constant friction

In addition to excessive sweating, the presence of constant friction in the intimate region is also one of the main factors responsible for the itchy sensation. This problem is more common in cycling or running athletes, as they can spend several hours doing repeated movements with their legs, which end up causing friction over the scrotum.

What to do: the ideal is to try to avoid repeated leg movements for a long time, so as not to make friction. However, if this is not possible, some tips can be adopted to prevent the onset of discomfort, such as wearing a genital protector, wearing cotton underwear and doing proper hygiene at the end of the exercise.

3. Intimate hair removal

Men who regularly perform intimate epilation may also experience itching of the scrotal sac, especially 2 to 3 days after epilation, as the hairs that start to grow and pass the skin barrier can cause a slight itchy discomfort.

Although this sensation disappears after the first epilations, it can also be maintained for a longer time, depending on the sensitivity of each one.

What to do: A good way to facilitate hair growth and reduce the itchy feeling is to shave towards the hair, using a razor and keep the skin well hydrated, using a moisturizing cream. See how to properly do intimate waxing.

4. Yeast infection

The main fungal infection in the intimate region is known as Tinea cruris and occurs when there is heat and excess humidity in the region for several hours, leading to the excessive development of fungi. That is why this infection is more common in men who do not bathe soon after exercising or who wear synthetic material underwear, which does not let the skin breathe.

In these cases, in addition to the itching, small rounded red spots may also appear on the skin.

What to do: in most cases, proper hygiene of the intimate area completely eliminates the infection and relieves symptoms. However, it is also advisable to use cotton underwear or other natural material, which allows the skin to breathe and prevent the development of fungi. In the most severe cases, it may be necessary to consult the doctor to start treatment with an anti-fungal ointment, such as clotrimazole, for example, and sometimes, combined treatment with ointment and pills.

5. Allergic reaction

As with any other part of the skin, the scrotum may also become slightly inflamed due to an allergy. The most common is that this allergy occurs due to the use of briefs made of synthetic material, such as polyester or elastane, but it can also be due to the use of some type of soap that contains a smell or another type of chemical in the composition.

What to do: to avoid an allergy in this region you should always choose to use 100% cotton underwear. However, if the symptom does not go away, you can try changing soap, and there are even soaps suitable for the intimate area, which do not contain chemicals or substances that are potentially irritating to the skin. In the most severe cases, it may be necessary to consult the doctor to start using an ointment with corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone, for example.

6. Flat or pubic lice

There is a type of louse that can develop in the hairs of the intimate region of men and women, causing intense itching in the area, in addition to redness. Although at the beginning of the infestation it is not possible to observe the parasites, over time the amount of lice will increase, allowing you to observe small black spots that move in the hair.

The transmission of this type of louse happens mainly with intimate contact and, therefore, it is often considered a sexually transmitted disease.

What to do: remove the lice with a fine comb after bathing and use a spray or antiparasitic lotion advised by the dermatologist. See more about this problem and how to treat it.

7. Sexually transmitted diseases

Although it is a rarer symptom, itchy scrotum can also indicate the presence of a sexually transmitted disease (STD), especially herpes or HPV. Usually, these infections are more common after having unprotected intercourse and, therefore, if the symptom persists, a urologist should be consulted.

What to do: Whenever you suspect a sexually transmitted disease, you should consult a urologist to confirm the diagnosis and start the appropriate treatment, avoiding the disease getting worse. To avoid this type of disease, a condom should always be used, especially if you have a new partner. Learn more about the main STDs and how they are treated.

Itchy scrotum: what it can be and what to do