Home Symptoms 8 Main diseases caused by alcohol

8 Main diseases caused by alcohol


When there is an excessive consumption of alcohol, the body reacts with some immediate minor consequences such as loss of coordination to walk, memory failure or slower speech, for example.

However, prolonged consumption of this type of alcoholic beverages can affect practically all organs of the body in a more severe way, causing everything from gastritis and pancreatitis, to liver cirrhosis, infertility and even cancer.

The most common diseases caused by alcohol are:

1. Gastritis

One of the most common illnesses caused by alcohol is gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach wall that causes symptoms such as loss of appetite, heartburn, nausea and vomiting.

How to treat: avoid alcohol consumption completely and make an adequate diet guided by a nutritionist. Learn more at: Treatment for gastritis.

2. Hepatitis or liver cirrhosis

Excessive alcohol consumption can cause inflammation of the liver, known as hepatitis, which causes signs such as yellow eyes and skin and swollen abdomen. When repeated hepatitis episodes occur, liver cirrhosis can occur, which occurs when the liver cells are destroyed, causing the liver to stop functioning and leading to the patient's death.

How to treat: it is done with the abandonment of alcohol consumption and the use of medicines prescribed by the doctor.

3. Impotence or infertility

Excess alcohol can lead to damage to the body's nerves, which can cause impotence in men. In women, the menstrual period can become irregular and may cause infertility.

How to treat: you should avoid alcohol consumption and consult a doctor specializing in infertility who will guide you to specific consultations. Also know the risks of using alcohol during pregnancy: Alcohol in pregnancy.

4. Heart attack and thrombosis

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages over a long period of time can cause cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack or thrombosis. Generally, these diseases occur due to high cholesterol and triglycerides, where there is excess fat accumulated in the arteries and which prevents normal blood circulation.

How to treat it: The doctor should prescribe the use of medicines for the heart and to lower cholesterol and triglyceride rates, such as simvastatin. In addition, it is also important to eat a low-fat diet.

5. Cancer

Alcohol consumption has always been a risk factor for cancer, however new studies are confirming the direct link between the consumption of alcoholic beverages and the emergence of up to 7 types of cancer, which include the pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum and breast.

How to treat it: if it arises, the cancer must be treated by an oncologist, who evaluates all personal factors and type of cancer, deciding the best form of treatment, which includes chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery, for example.

6. Pellagra

Consumption of alcoholic beverages repeatedly and in high amounts can cause pellagra, a disease known as pellagra that is caused by a lack of vitamin B3 (niacin) and that causes brown skin on different parts of the body, such as the face and hands, and which it usually causes frequent itching and constant diarrhea.

How to treat: It is recommended to consult a dermatologist and a nutritionist to begin proper vitamin supplementation. See how to enrich your diet at: Foods rich in vitamin B3.

7. Dementia

When the individual consumes alcoholic beverages in excess, dementia may appear, which is characterized by memory loss, difficulty in speaking and moving. Generally, these are the most serious cases and the alcoholic becomes dependent on eating, dressing and bathing.

How to treat: it is necessary that the patient is accompanied by a psychiatrist, who can prescribe medication to delay dementia like Memantine.

8. Alcoholic Anorexia

When alcoholic beverages are taken in place of food to avoid calorie intake and lose weight, this may be the first indication of Alcoholic Anorexia. This is an eating disorder, which can easily lead to bulimia anorexia, with the difference that in this case alcoholic beverages are used to reduce hunger.

How to treat: it is recommended to carry out therapy to end dependence on alcoholic beverages and to improve behavior in relation to food and body acceptance. Treatment should be done with a psychiatrist who helps to treat the disorder and with a nutritionist who helps to resume eating and treats nutritional deficiencies.

Watch the conversation between nutritionist Tatiana Zanin and Dr. Drauzio Varella, about the harm of alcohol, in the following video:

The consumption of alcoholic beverages is not advised in patients with diseases such as fatty liver, gallbladder or irritable bowel syndrome, for example, however, no individual should consume alcoholic beverages regularly because the consequences eventually arise and impair health.

So, although it is difficult, family members and the person who frequently drinks alcohol, should be able to identify the signs that indicate that drinking is a problem and seek help from an alcohol support institution to start treatment and avoid these problems.

The Alcoholics Anonymous Institute and the Private Clinics of Chemical Dependents have a very important role to play in the monitoring and recovery of alcoholic patients and are prepared to treat and help the individual to remake his life away from alcohol addiction, thus reducing damage that alcoholism can bring to the alcoholic.

8 Main diseases caused by alcohol