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5 Diet Tips to Fight Stress (more full menu!)


Diet to combat stress should be rich in foods with properties that help control anxiety and increase the feeling of well-being, such as peanuts, bananas, oats and passion fruit leaf tea, for example.

In addition to improving mood and reducing anxiety, consuming these foods regularly helps to protect the body from damage caused by stress, such as headache, hair loss, overweight and premature aging. Thus, the anti-stress diet should include the following foods:

1. Foods rich in Vitamin B

Vitamin B is present in foods such as lettuce, avocado, peanuts, nuts, nuts and whole grains, which include brown bread, rice and whole wheat pasta, and oats.

The B vitamins participate in the production of energy in the body and help to improve the functioning of the nervous system, helping to relax.

2. Tryptophan-rich foods

Tryptophan-rich foods help fight stress because they increase the production of serotonin, a hormone made in the brain that gives you a feeling of well-being and helps you relax. Tryptophan can be found in foods like bananas, dark chocolate, cocoa, oats, cheese, peanuts, chicken and eggs. See the full list here.

3. Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and flavonoids, which are substances with high antioxidant power and that contribute to lower blood pressure, helping to relax and fight stress. The main foods in this group that help to avoid stress are passion fruit, wiki, orange, cherry and dark green vegetables such as kale, spinach and broccoli.

4. Foods rich in omega-3

Omega-3s can be found in foods such as tuna, salmon, sardines, flaxseed and chia seeds, nuts and egg yolk. It is a type of good fat that helps to reduce inflammation in the body and control levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

In addition, it participates in the formation of neurons and is important for the transmission of nerve impulses, helping to improve memory and preventing diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cardiovascular problems. Learn all the benefits of omega-3.

5. Passion leaf tea

More than the fruit itself, the passion fruit leaves help to relax and fight stress by being rich in alkaloids and flavonoids, substances that help to calm the nervous system and relax the muscles, in addition to working as an analgesic.

Drinking 1 cup of passion fruit tea at night helps to improve breathing, calm the heartbeat, prevent migraines and fight insomnia, which favors the relaxation needed to get a good night's sleep. See How to use passion fruit to sleep better.

It is important to remember that in order to obtain the beneficial effects of reducing stress and anxiety, these foods must be consumed regularly within a healthy eating practice. In addition, one should avoid the consumption of foods rich in fats, sugar, fried foods and processed foods, such as sausage, bacon, stuffed biscuits and diced beef broth.

Menu to fight stress

The following table shows an example of a 3-day anti-stress diet menu.

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 200 ml of orange juice with carrots + 1 egg omelet with cheese 200 ml of milk + 2 slices of whole grain bread with ricotta cheese Banana smoothie with oats
Morning snack mix of cashew and Pará nuts 2 kiwis + 1 col of goji berry soup 15 peanuts + 2 squares of chocolate 70%
Lunch dinner Breaded chicken with flaxseed flour + 4 col of rice soup + 2 col of beans + lettuce, carrot and cucumber salad 1/2 piece of roasted salmon + brown rice + spinach salad with grated carrot Tuna pasta (with wholegrain pasta) + tomato sauce + steamed broccoli
Afternoon snack 1 plain yogurt with banana + 1 teaspoon of chia 2 slices of crushed papaya + 1 tablespoon of oats 4 tablespoons of avocado + 1 teaspoon of honey

In addition to making changes to your diet, regular physical activity also helps you reduce stress and increase the production of hormones that give you a feeling of well-being.

To learn how to include these foods in your diet, watch the following video from our nutritionist:

5 Diet Tips to Fight Stress (more full menu!)