
Impingem is a type of superficial ringworm of the skin caused by fungi that is contagious and therefore easily passes from one person to another through direct contact or contaminated objects. The first symptoms of urge are the appearance of a red spot on the skin that itches a lot. It is...
To find out if it is periodontitis, you should take into account the signs and symptoms presented and perform tests that can identify the health of the teeth and also the bone structure of the jaw. The signs of this disease can take years to manifest and its progression is slow, which ...
The main symptoms of childhood pneumonia are fever above 38ÂșC and cough with phlegm. In this case, an x-ray and antibiotics should be taken.
Presbyopia is characterized by a change in vision that is associated with aging of the eye. Find out what symptoms may occur, the root causes and how the treatment is done
Constipation is characterized by hard, dry stools that can injure the anus, leading to hemorrhage, for example. See what are the symptoms of constipation and how to avoid it.
Groin pain is the main symptom of pubalgia. Know its causes and how the diagnosis of this injury is made.
First symptoms are similar to the flu but there are spots on the skin that cause itching. Check out a complete list of symptoms and how they appear
To check for the presence of blood in the stool, one must be aware of signs such as very dark stools and reddish color of the toilet water. See others.
Vision problems, tunnel vision, pain or redness in the eyes are symptoms of high blood pressure in the eyes, also known as glaucoma. Know what to do in this situation
Symptoms of miscarriage are loss of blood or fluids through the vagina, pain in the belly and absence of movement of the baby for more than 5 hours. see more
The sty is a type of inflammation of the eye that can cause swelling, redness and pain in the eyelid. See what other symptoms help to identify a stye and what to do
What it is: Fungal Sinusitis is a type of sinusitis that occurs when fungi lodge in the nasal cavity forming a fungal mass. This disease is characterized by an inflammation that can cause serious damage to the nasal mucosa of individuals. Fungal sinusitis is more frequent in areas ...
Sinusitis in pregnancy is a common condition in women who suffer from various episodes of allergic attacks or even attacks of sinusitis during the winter months. This is because immunity is reduced in pregnancy, which favors the proliferation of fungi and bacteria in the regions ...
The baby's first teeth usually emerge at around 6 or 8 months of age, and while some babies may show no change in behavior, others may show signs such as irritability, easy crying and poor appetite. See all symptoms and how to relieve
Trichomoniasis is an STD that affects both women and men, and causes symptoms such as genital discharge, itching and a burning sensation. Know more.
Januvia is an oral medicine used to treat type 2 diabetes in adults, whose active ingredient is sitagliptin, which can be used alone or in combination with other type 2 diabetes medicines. Januvia, produced by Merck Sharp & Dohme ...
What it is: Smartcaps energy is a more powerful type of energy supplement in capsules approved by Anvisa that increases physical performance by stimulating the general disposition of the body quickly and efficiently. Contains no sugar or fat. Smartcaps energy is a compound based on ...


Socian is an antipsychotic medication with the active substance of Amisulpride. This medication for oral use is indicated for several psychiatric disorders such as psychosis, neurosis and psychastenia. Socian acts on neurotransmitters mainly dopamine avoiding the states ...


Solaquin is a depigmentation medicine that has the active substance Hydroquinone. This topical medicine is used to lighten skin spots like freckles and lentigo. Its action consists in increasing the excretion or preventing the production of melanin in order to leave the ...
Prolapse of the mitral valve does not normally cause symptoms, being noticed only during routine cardiac exams. However, in some cases there may be chest pain, tiredness after exertion, shortness of breath and changes in heartbeat, it is recommended to seek help from ...
Solanezumab is a drug capable of stopping the development of Alzheimer's disease, as it prevents the formation of protein plaques that form in the brain, which are responsible for the onset of the disease and, which causes symptoms such as memory loss, disorientation and difficulty in speaking , ...
Sinumed is a homeopathic remedy, used as an aid in the treatment of sinusitis and to decrease and help eliminate secretions, from 2 years of age. This remedy has in its composition Hydrastis canadensis 3CH, Pulsatilla nigricans 3CH, Magnesia carbonica 5CH and Kali bichromicum ...


Sollevare is a medicine launched by EMS, whose active substance is Sildenafil Citrate. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, should be used only by adults and with a medical prescription. The action of Sollevare restores the function ...
Acute sinusitis causes pain in the face, discharge and nasal obstruction that lasts up to 4 weeks. Understand what it is and how to identify this inflammation.
What it is: Allergic sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses caused by an allergy to some external agent, such as mites or some type of food. Individuals who have allergic sinusitis when they come into contact with the agent causing the allergy, produce secretions that are ...