
Bacterial sinusitis corresponds to inflammation of the sinuses caused by bacteria. See what are the main symptoms of bacterial sinusitis and how the treatment is done.
Chronic sinusitis lasts for more than 3 months, and its treatment involves the use of antibiotics, corticosteroids or even surgery. Know how to identify and treat correctly
Sinusopathy, better known as sinusitis, is a disease that occurs when the sinuses become inflamed and lead to symptoms such as pressure-type headache, greenish or yellowish phlegm and cough. Learn how to identify the symptoms of sinusopathy, types and how it is done ...
Simvastatin is a drug indicated to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides and increase the levels of good cholesterol in the blood. High cholesterol levels can cause coronary heart disease due to the formation of atherosclerosis plaques, which lead to narrowing or ...
Sinutab is a medicine indicated for the treatment of flu and for the treatment of sinus symptoms such as nasal congestion and headache.
Loss of large amounts of blood through the vagina, smelly vaginal discharge, and pain and swelling in the leg may indicate that you need to see a doctor.
Situs inversus is characterized by an autosomal recessive congenital anomaly, in which the main organs of the chest and abdomen are in a mirrored position in relation to the usual topography. know more
Skincare is an English term that means skin care and refers to the daily routine that one must have to maintain a healthy, hydrated, smooth, luminous and youthful skin for longer. See how to do the step-by-step
Slendesta is a proteinase inhibiting ingredient, extracted from the potato, which acts to induce and prolong the feeling of satiety. This substance is used by compounding pharmacies to make weight loss remedies, which help to control appetite and reduce hunger. It is...
The solution for weak and thin hair is to use hair products based on keratin and protein, at least 3 times a month. Some good products are the Maxsther brand conditioning restorative conditioning mask and Time reset corrective defense, from ...
The term smog is used to describe visible air pollution, very common in urban areas. Know what types, health hazards and what to do to reduce


Somatropin is a medication known commercially as Genotropin, Humatrope, Norditropin, Saizen or Somatrop. This medicine is for injectable use and similar to the natural growth hormone. Somatrapine stimulates skeletal growth, increases the size and number of cells ...
The main function of the cardiovascular system is to deliver nutrients and oxygen to cells through the blood and remove waste from cellular metabolism. The heart and blood vessels are part of this system. See more about the anatomy, functioning and diseases that may arise
The main purpose of breathing is to bring oxygen to all the cells of the body but for this to happen the air passes through the organs of the respiratory system, which include the airways and the lungs. See how breathing and gas exchange happen
Burns, dehydration and even skin cancer are caused by too much sun. Find out other harms, and what to do to protect yourself.
Soliqua is a medicine that can be used to treat type 2 diabetes when other medicines are not working. Here's how to use it.
SlimCaps is a dietary supplement indicated for athletes, which helps in weight loss and abdominal fat, also helping in the elimination of cellulite. Learn more about SlimCaps
What it is: The wire-to-wire eyebrow, also known as eyebrow micropigmentation, consists of an aesthetic procedure in which a pigment is applied to the epidermis, in the eyebrow region, to highlight and make it more defined and with a more beautiful shape. So the person can feel ...
The female reproductive system is composed of external and internal organs and its main function is reproduction. Understand how the female reproductive system works.


Sotalol is an oral medication, known commercially as Sotacor. This medication is an antihypertensive, which acts by blocking the production of some substances that cause changes in the heart rhythm and blood circulation, such as renin, an enzyme released by ...


Spiriva is a bronchodilator medication whose active substance is Tiotropium. This medication used by inhalation and local is indicated for the treatment of bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system. Its action acts on the receptors of smooth muscles causing their ...


Stablon is an antidepressant medication whose active substance is Tianeptine. This oral medication is indicated for the treatment of depression and neurotic states. Stablon also offers other benefits for the patient's mental health such as increased concentration and ...
Slim Intense is an ideal food supplement to lose weight and lose volume, as it helps to slim the body and eliminate the retained fluids. Slim Intense should be taken throughout the day and can be purchased at food supplement stores, as well as at some health food stores ...
Somatodrol is a dietary supplement that helps the body to produce more testosterone and growth hormone naturally, increasing muscle mass gains, facilitating weight loss and eliminating localized fat, without the risks associated with anabolic steroids with it ...
Sleepwalking is a sleep disorder relatively common in childhood, which causes the child, who is sleeping, to sit, speak and even walk, seeming to be awake. See what signs may indicate that the child is sleepwalking and what to do


What it is: Stent is a small tube made of a perforated and expandable metal mesh, which is placed inside an artery, in order to keep it open, thus preventing the decrease in blood flow by clogging. What does the stent do to open vessels that present their ...
Sonrisal is an effervescent antacid remedy that combats heartburn, poor digestion. and the headache. Know what it is for, how to take it, and the side effects that may arise


Stodal is a homeopathic remedy used to treat dry and irritating cough or cough with sputum, as it relieves throat irritation, decreases the viscosity of secretions and facilitates expectoration. This remedy can be taken in children, pregnant women and the elderly. The Stodal ...
REM sleep is a phase of deep sleep in which the body undergoes some changes such as rapid eye movements, intense brain activity and the person starts to dream. It is an important phase of sleep for brain repair and memory processing. Learn more about why ...
The murmur is not usually severe, but it can also indicate illness, especially if you have symptoms such as shortness of breath. Know when treatment is needed
Children's Sorine is a spray medicine that acts as a fluidizer and nasal decongestant, facilitating breathing in situations such as rhinitis, flu or colds. Learn how it works and how to use it
The heart murmur, in most cases, does not cause health risks, but in some cases it is severe and causes symptoms such as shortness of breath and palpitations.
A good homemade solution to stop diarrhea is to take advantage of the natural properties of apples and carrots, and guava for example. Here's how to use these natural ingredients to regulate the gut.
Applying the saline solution on the face helps to eliminate impurities and make the skin softer and for that it must be applied after bathing. Learn about other benefits of saline on the face and how to use