Home Bulls Magnesium chloride: what is it for and how to take it

Magnesium chloride: what is it for and how to take it


Powdered magnesium chloride for dilution is a medicine with a laxative action that serves to clean the intestine, being useful in case of constipation or in situations where it is necessary to completely eliminate the feces, as in preparation for colonoscopy, for example.

This medicine should only be used under medical advice and is composed of 1 mg / mg of magnesium chloride.

What is it for

Powdered magnesium chloride is indicated as a laxative, to combat constipation, or for supplementation in case of magnesium deficiency.

How to use

Dilute the contents of a 33 g pack in 1 liter of filtered water and take 60 ml, equivalent to 1 cup of coffee, on an empty stomach. Take daily until this dilution ends, if diarrhea occurs, you should decrease the amount you take daily.

Once opened, the package must be completely diluted in water, kept in the refrigerator for a maximum of 20 days.

Side effects

There may be irritation in the digestive system and watery diarrhea after ingestion, especially when taken on an empty stomach. Although it is not very common, symptoms of allergy, depression, tiredness, irritability, muscle cramps, nausea and abdominal pain can appear.


Magnesium chloride should not be used in case of severe kidney failure, and should be used with caution by pregnant women, as it passes through the placenta and can harm the baby.

Magnesium chloride: what is it for and how to take it