Home Bulls Dopamine hydrochloride: what it is and what it is for

Dopamine hydrochloride: what it is and what it is for


Dopamine hydrochloride is an injectable medicine, indicated in states of circulatory shock, such as cardiogenic shock, post-infarction, septic shock, anaphylactic shock and hydrosaline retention of varying etiology.

This medicine should be administered by a trained health professional, directly into the vein.

How it works

Dopamine is a drug that works by improving blood pressure, the contraction force of the heart and the heartbeat in situations of severe shock, in situations where the drop in blood pressure is not resolved when only serum is administered through the vein.

In case of circulatory shock, dopamine hydrochloride works by stimulating the arteries to constrict, thereby increasing blood pressure. The time of onset of action of the drug is about 5 minutes.

How to use

This medicine is an injectable that must be administered by a health professional, according to medical advice.

Who should not use

Dopamine hydrochloride should not be administered to people with pheochromocytoma, which is a tumor in the adrenal gland, or hypersensitive to the components of the formula, hyperthyroidism or with a recent history of arrhythmias.

In addition, it should also not be used by pregnant women without medical advice.

Possible side effects

Some of the side effects that may occur with the use of dopamine hydrochloride are ventricular arrhythmia, ectopic beats, tachycardia, angina pain, palpitation, cardiac conduction disorders, enlarged QRS complex, bradycardia, hypotension, hypertension, vasoconstriction, breathing difficulties, nausea, vomiting, headache, anxiety and piloerection.

Dopamine hydrochloride: what it is and what it is for