Home Bulls Chlortalidone (higroton)

Chlortalidone (higroton)


Chlortalidone is an oral medicine used to treat high blood pressure, heart failure and swelling and to prevent the formation of calcium stones due to its diuretic and antihypertensive power.

Chlortalidone can be found in pharmacies under the brand name Higroton, which is produced by Novartis laboratories.

Chlortalidone price

The price of Chlortalidone varies between 10 and 25 reais.

Indications for Chlortalidone

Higroton is indicated for the treatment of hypertension, heart failure and swelling of the body due to the accumulation of fluids, as well as for preventing the formation of calcium stones in patients with high levels of calcium in the urine.

How to use Chlortalidone

The method of use of Chlortalidone should be indicated by the doctor, according to the patient's age and the purpose of the treatment. However, usually the tablet should be taken with meals, preferably in the morning, with a glass of water.

In addition, during treatment with Higroton, the patient must follow a diet rich in potassium. See which foods are high in potassium.

Side Effects of Chlortalidone

Side effects of Chlortalidone include hives with or without difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, purple-red spots, itching, fever, difficulty urinating, blood in the urine, confusion, nausea, tiredness, weakness, confusion, vomiting, constipation, stomach pain, increased desire to go to the bathroom, thirst, sore throat, decreased vision or pain in the eyes, joint pain and swelling, dizziness, fainting on rising, loss of appetite and impotence.

Contraindications for Chlortalidone

Chlortalidone is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the formula, severe liver disease, gout, low levels of potassium or sodium in the blood, very high levels of calcium in the blood, severe kidney disease or absence of urine and in pregnancy.

In case of kidney or liver problems, diabetes, circulatory problems or heart disease, lupus, low blood potassium levels, low blood sodium levels, high blood calcium levels, high blood uric acid levels, gout, kidney stones, high blood cholesterol levels, severe or prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, decreased vision, eye pain, allergy, asthma or breast-feeding, the use of Chlortalidone should only be done under medical advice.

See another remedy with Chlortalidone at: Higroton Reserpina.

Chlortalidone (higroton)