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What is coartem for


Coartem 20/120 is an antimalarial remedy that contains artemether and lumefantrine, substances that help eliminate malaria parasites from the body, being available in coated and dispersible tablets, recommended for the treatment of children and adults respectively, with an acute infection of Plasmodium falciparum without complications.

Coartem is also recommended for the treatment of malaria acquired in regions where the parasites may be resistant to other antimalarial drugs. This remedy is not indicated for the prevention of the disease or for the treatment of severe malaria.

This medicine can be purchased in conventional pharmacies with a prescription, especially for adults and children who need to travel to regions with high cases of malaria. See what are the main symptoms of malaria.

How to use

The dispersible tablets are more suitable for newborns and children up to 35 kg, since they are easier to ingest. These pills should be placed in a glass with a little water, allowing them to dissolve and then give the child a drink, then wash the glass with a small amount of water and give it to the child to drink, to avoid wasting medicine.

Uncoated tablets can be taken with liquid. Both tablets and coated tablets should be administered to a high-fat meal, such as milk, as follows:

Weight Dose
5 to 15 kg

1 tablet

15 to 25 kg

2 tablets

25 to 35 kg

3 tablets

Adults and adolescents over 35 kg 4 tablets

The second dose of the drug should be taken 8 hours after the first. The rest, on the other hand, should be ingested twice a day, every 12 hours, until a total of 6 doses are taken from the first.

Possible side effects

The most common side effects that may occur when using this remedy include loss of appetite, sleep disorders, headache, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, coughing, stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, ores in the joints and muscles, tiredness and weakness, involuntary muscle contractions, diarrhea, itching or skin rash.

Who should not use

Coartem should not be used in cases of severe malaria, in children under 5 kg, people with an allergy to artemether or lumefantrine, pregnant in the first three months or women who intend to become pregnant, people with a history of heart problems or with blood levels of low potassium or magnesium.

What is coartem for