Home Bulls High cholesterol

High cholesterol


Total cholesterol is considered to be outside normal limits when it is equal to or greater than 190 mg / dL and / or when good cholesterol (HDL) is below 40 mg / dL, for men and women .

High cholesterol causes fat to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels and, over time, decreased blood flow may occur in important parts of the body, such as the brain, heart and kidneys. In addition, these small atheromatous plaques adhered to the vessel may eventually come loose and cause a thrombosis or even a stroke.

What to avoid in case of high cholesterol

In the case of high cholesterol, it is important to pay attention to food and avoid the following foods:

  • Fried; Very spicy products; Prepared with some type of fat, such as vegetable fat or palm oil, for example; Butter or margarine; Puff pastry; Fast food ; Red meats; Alcoholic beveragesVery sweet foods .

These foods are high in fat, which favors the formation of atherosclerotic plaques inside blood vessels, which can have serious health consequences.

How should the food be

In these cases, food should aim to regulate cholesterol levels, and it is recommended that the diet be made up of foods rich in vitamins and minerals, in addition to a low amount of fat. Thus, it is recommended to have garlic, onion, eggplant, coconut water, artichoke, flaxseed, pistachio, black tea, fish, milk and almonds, for example. Check out an example cholesterol-lowering menu.

Watch the following video and learn how to keep cholesterol in check with these and other tips:

What causes

High cholesterol is mainly due to a sedentary lifestyle and a high-fat diet. In addition, the increase in cholesterol can happen as a consequence of the consumption of alcoholic beverages, untreated diabetes and hormonal diseases. Learn about other causes of high cholesterol.

High cholesterol in pregnancy

The increase in cholesterol in pregnancy is normal, however it is important to check your levels regularly so that there is not too much increase. To control cholesterol levels in pregnancy, only changes in eating habits are recommended, giving preference to low-fat foods, in addition to practicing light physical activities, such as walking.

In case the pregnant woman has already been diagnosed with high cholesterol before pregnancy, it is important to be even more careful with her diet, which should be rich in fiber and vitamin C.

Possible consequences

High cholesterol can cause the development of cardiovascular diseases, such as "clogging" of the arteries, called atherosclerosis, the formation of thrombi and the release of emboli. Since he has no symptoms, the person may suffer a heart attack due to a thrombus that started due to high cholesterol levels.

To reduce these risks, it is recommended that treatment for cholesterol be started as soon as possible.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of high cholesterol can be done in a homemade and natural way. Just follow the diet correctly to lower cholesterol, investing in a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes and lean meats, such as fish and chicken, for example.

Practicing physical activity 3 times a week helps you lose weight and spend this accumulated fat, naturally lowering cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. It can be any activity, from playing football with friends, walking, swimming or doing yoga. However, it is important that this activity is done for at least 40 minutes, 3 times a week. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe drugs that reduce cholesterol or its absorption. See a list of cholesterol-lowering drugs.

High cholesterol