- How to know my type of cellulite
- How to eliminate cellulite fast
- 1. Food
- 2. Exercises
- 3. Lymphatic drainage
- 4. Aesthetic treatment
It is possible to end cellulite, grade 1 in just two weeks, but for that it is necessary to follow a daily treatment, which must include adequate nutrition, good hydration, exercises to tone the legs and butt, in addition to daily sessions of lymphatic drainage and aesthetic treatments such as lipocavitation, radio frequency or endermotherapy, for example.
As cellulite is caused by the accumulation of fat located in the butt and legs and excess fluids and toxins in this region, there is no single treatment that can eliminate cellulite quickly and definitively.
However, by following all these indications, it is possible to eliminate grade 1 cellulite and also to transform grade 2 and 3 cellulite into grade 1 so that they are more easily eliminated.
How to know my type of cellulite
To know your type of cellulite it is necessary to observe the region with the help of a mirror, but the observation can also be made by someone else, being the most suitable.
The second step is to press a part of the leg or butt to watch for changes in the skin. The existing types of cellulite can be:
How to eliminate cellulite fast
An excellent home treatment to eliminate cellulite grade 1 in just 2 weeks, consists of:
1. Food
The diet should preferably be guided by a nutritionist, but in general it is advisable to reduce the salt intake, exchanging for aromatic herbs and consumption of detoxifying and diuretic foods, which help to eliminate excess fluids and toxins from the body, such as spinach, tomatoes, apple, orange, garlic, cucumber and kiwi, for example. Know other diuretic foods.
As for hydration, it is recommended to take at least 2 liters of water per day to ensure good hydration of the body, and to keep the skin elastic and healthy. The teas that can be used to fight cellulite are green tea, leather hat or sparkle as they are scientifically proven to aid treatment.
Check out the video below which foods are best suited to fight cellulite:
2. Exercises
Exercises to combat cellulite should preferably be guided by a trainer or teacher at the gym. However, as a rule, it is recommended to do aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, running or exercise bike to increase caloric expenditure and reduce the accumulated fat that is also among the causes of cellulite.
In addition to these exercises it is necessary to tone and strengthen the muscles of the legs and butt with specific exercises such as localized gymnastics, using sand weights or doing weight training exercises, for example. See examples of exercises to end cellulite.
3. Lymphatic drainage
To eliminate excess fluids from the lower body, visibly reducing cellulite, it is recommended to do daily lymphatic drainage sessions, which can be done manually or with a device.
Two examples of devices that can be used against cellulite are pressotherapy and mechanical lymphatic drainage with the RAGodoy® device for at least 2 hours a day. Both equipment and the other can be effective in combating cellulite because they can mobilize a good amount of interstitial fluid back into the lymphatic stream, so that it is eliminated in the urine. See how manual drainage can be done.
4. Aesthetic treatment
In addition to all of this, treatment with aesthetic devices that have been proven to eliminate fat located in a given region should be complemented. Good examples are lipocavitation, high-power ultrasound and radio frequency.
This type of treatment can be done in some aesthetic clinics and provide excellent results. However, they should only be performed up to 3 times a week and do not eliminate the need to comply with the steps mentioned above.
These treatments can be indicated to eliminate cellulite in any part of the body, including the legs, butt, belly and arms.
All of these guidelines must be followed daily so that the body can eliminate fat and fluid retention, contributing to the reduction of measures and improvement in the appearance of cellulite. However, each case must be evaluated individually and there is no single treatment that can be indicated for all women. A physiotherapist specialized in functional dermatosis is the appropriate professional to make a thorough assessment and guide the most appropriate treatment.
Learn more at: 10 commandments to beat cellulite.