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9 Tips to get up early and happy


Waking up early and in a good mood can seem like a very difficult task, especially for those who see mornings as the end of relaxation time and the beginning of the work day. However, when you are able to wake up in this way, the day seems to pass faster and with a feeling of greater lightness.

So, there are some simple tips that can improve your mood early in the morning, making it easier to wake up early and prepare anyone for a happier and more energetic day.

Before bedtime

The morning must be prepared from the night before, mainly to make the mind more relaxed and willing to wake up. For this:

1. Do meditation for 10 minutes

Meditation is an excellent method for relaxing at the end of the day, creating inner peace and preparing the mind for sleep. To meditate, you should book at least 10 minutes before bed and do it in a calm and comfortable space, making the room a great option. See step-by-step instructions for doing meditation.

For those who do not want to do meditation, another solution is to make a list of the problems that are creating anxiety and keep it to be solved the next day. That way, the mind is not stressed, it is easier to fall asleep and relax at night, allowing you to have a better morning.

2. Prepare the clothes for the next morning

Before going to sleep, remember to plan and separate your clothes for the next day. Thus, it is possible to have more free time the next morning and reduces the stress of having to make a decision within the first hour after waking up.

In addition, if ironing is necessary, there is more time for this task the night before than in the morning, when you need to prepare to leave the house.

3. Think of something positive

In addition to trying to avoid thinking about the problems that are creating stress and anxiety, try thinking about something positive to do the next day, whether it's preparing a delicious breakfast, going for a walk at the end of the day with friends, or going for a run early in the morning..

Thus, the mind wakes up eager to start those activities that make it feel good, producing a greater sense of well-being and energy upon waking up.

4. Plan your breakfast

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, as it is the meal that nourishes and prepares your body for the first hours of work. However, this meal is often thought of only in the morning, when you are rushing to prepare and leave the house quickly, which means that the meal is replaced by a quick and less healthy snack, such as milk with cereal or biscuit with coffee, for example.

When you think about what you are going to eat before going to sleep, it reduces the number of decisions in the morning and makes the mind wake up thinking about what it has to do and the reward of the food. Check out 5 healthy breakfast options.

5. Sleep 7 to 8 hours

Trying to wake up early in the morning and willingly can become an extremely difficult task when you don't get enough sleep to relax your body and restore energy levels. So one of the golden rules is to sleep at least 7 hours a night, it is important to calculate this time with a margin of 15 to 30 minutes, to allow you to fall asleep.

Upon waking

To maintain the good mood created before bed, follow the following tips when you wake up:

6. Wake up 15 minutes early

This may seem like a tricky tip, but waking up 15 to 30 minutes before your usual time helps to rest your mind and avoid stress, as it allows you more time to do the activities you have to do before leaving home. So it is possible to maintain relaxation and avoid running.

Over time, waking up earlier becomes a habit and, therefore, it becomes easier, especially after realizing the benefits on mood and well-being.

7. Lift when the alarm sounds

One of the habits that most decreases the willingness to wake up is to put off the alarm clock. This is because postponing the alarm not only creates a false hope of being able to stay asleep longer, but also decreases the time you have in the morning, facilitating the appearance of stress.

So, put the alarm clock away from the bed and get up to turn it off. Along the way, enjoy and open the window, as the sunlight helps to regulate the inner clock, preparing the mind for the beginning of the day.

8. Drink 1 glass of water

Drinking water in the morning increases your metabolism, which not only helps you lose weight, but also takes your body out of the sleep process, making it easier to keep your eyes open and fighting the urge to go back to bed and sleep.

9. Stretch 5 minutes or exercise

Stretching in the morning or doing a little exercise, such as jogging or walking, helps the body to wake up more quickly, as it improves blood circulation. Furthermore, exercising also increases the production of well-being hormones, increasing energy and well-being levels.

A tip to increase the desire to stretch during the morning is to put music to play. This song can be kept throughout the process of preparing to leave the house, as it guarantees a better mood. Here are some stretching exercises to do in the morning.

9 Tips to get up early and happy