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How to control rabies (in adults and children)


Recurrent rabies attacks, known scientifically as intermittent explosive disorder or even Hulk's syndrome, are episodes in which the person reacts very aggressively, and can happen verbally, such as cursing, or through physical behaviors, such as hitting or biting.

These anger attacks most of the time seem to happen for no reason that can justify the intensity of the emotional outburst, but they are the result of a lack of ability to control one's impulses.

However, it is possible to control these rabies attacks through psychotherapy and in some cases the use of soothing medications.

Tips to control rabies attacks

According to age, there are different strategies that can be used:

1. In adults

In adults, one of the most effective ways to avoid having an outbreak of rabies is to focus on breathing. Thus, one can count to 10 and, during those seconds, take the opportunity to reflect and try to think about the problem in another way, avoiding going immediately to aggressiveness. Another option is also to move away from the person or situation that is causing the stress.

However, while it is important to know how to control anger at the moment, it is also advised that the person works on excess anger in the long run, avoiding further crises. To do this, some steps include:

  • Avoid the accumulation of negative feelings: instead of saving feelings without reacting, it is important to deal with negative situations as they arise;

    Practice regular physical exercise: it is essential to be able to channel stress, with exercises with greater energy discharge, such as kickboxing or something more relaxing, such as pilates;

    Avoid sources of stress: for example, if it is identified that there is a person who is part of the daily life and that causes a lot of irritation, one should try to stay away from him to reduce the chances of having another outbreak;

    Understand what causes anger attacks: this can be done through therapy with the psychologist, but also through reflection on everyday moments. Some of the most common situations include being stuck in traffic or being insulted.

The difficulty in controlling impulses can be linked to the fear of being evaluated by others or to the level of demand for other people's behavior.

If you feel that the explosive temper is being harmful to interpersonal relationships it is important to seek help from a professional, such as the psychologist.

2. In the child

In the case of children, it is important to realize that the aggressive outburst is usually due to the inability to deal with frustration, as it is a new feeling. So, in order to minimize the immediate effects of these outbreaks, also called tantrums, one should try to distract the child, for example by taking him out of the stressful environment or proposing a new game.

Sometimes, it can also be important to give a hug, because this act allows a containment of the negative emotions that the child is experiencing at the moment. However, it is necessary to work with the child to prevent future outbreaks, and some strategies include:

  • Saying no: it is important to deny the child's desires so that he learns that you don't always get what you want. If there is an outbreak of aggression the child cannot get what he wants, otherwise he learns that whenever he wants something he has to act like this.

    Be an example: the child absorbs its environment. Thus, if she observes that her family is aggressive, she will also tend to be. That is why it is essential to be consistent and follow the models that we are trying to teach.

    Create a climate of trust: so that the child feels safe to release what he feels. At these times, it is important to explain that it is normal to feel sad or upset but that it is not correct to hit, bite or have other aggressive behavior.

Whenever dealing with the child, it is advisable to use language appropriate to the age, as well as to lower yourself to the child's height, keeping the speech short, simple and clear, because young children cannot concentrate for long periods of time.

When aggression can be related to a typical stage of child development or when the above strategies help, there is usually no need to worry. However, if it turns out that the child is unable to cope with frustration, hurts himself or others, it may be necessary to ask a psychologist for evaluation.

How the treatment is done

When anger cannot be expressed in a healthy way, several long-term problems can arise, such as depression, anxiety, difficulty sleeping or even the adoption of addictive behaviors, such as drugs or alcohol.

Therefore, it is recommended to consult a psychologist, who normally uses cognitive behavioral therapy to help understand the reasons behind the outbursts of anger. Thus, it is important to become aware of what happens before an outbreak so that strategies can be created to better deal with your aggressive impulses.

Outbreaks are also often due to an accumulation of negative situations that have not been resolved in the past, but which manifest themselves as inappropriate inappropriate aggressive reactions to a given situation as an insult, which may not even be related.

However, after consulting the psychologist if he considers that after evaluation it is necessary to resort to the use of medication to control mood, he will refer to a psychiatrist.

How to control rabies (in adults and children)