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7 surefire tips to end constipation


To cure constipation, you must make some lifestyle changes, such as eating more fiber-rich foods, drinking lots of fluids, consuming more foods rich in good fats, and exercising regularly.

These attitudes increase the natural movements of the intestine and facilitate the formation of the fecal bolus, making the passage of feces occur quickly and efficiently.

See a technique taught by our nutritionist to facilitate the passage of feces:

1. Drink 2 liters of water a day

Drinking plenty of water helps to hydrate the stool, especially when there is adequate fiber intake in the diet. Dehydrated stools travel through the intestine with greater difficulty, which can cause wounds and problems such as hemorrhoids, polyps and bleeding.

2. Consume more fiber

The fibers are present mainly in fresh fruits and with skin and bagasse, in vegetables and seeds such as chia, flaxseed, sesame and sunflower seed. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate resistant to digestion, serving as food for the intestinal flora, being called prebiotics.

However, it is important to remember that fiber consumption should always be accompanied by a good amount of water throughout the day, as excess fiber without water can worsen constipation. See the full list of high fiber foods.

3. Consume more fats

Fats work as a lubricant in the intestine, facilitating the passage of feces. Thus, one should increase the consumption of foods rich in fats such as avocado, coconut, coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, chestnuts, peanuts and seeds such as chia, flaxseed and sesame. Know the types of fat and which foods to prefer.

4. Do physical activity regularly

Regular physical activity helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles, which presses the intestine and facilitates the passage of feces. In addition, moving the body also stimulates the movement of the intestine itself, helping to combat constipation. Thus, it is important to practice physical exercises at least 3 times a week.

5. Go to the bathroom as soon as you feel like

It is important to go to the bathroom as soon as you feel it, as preventing and expelling feces can lead to more constipation. This is because the involuntary sphincter, a muscle that controls the passage of stool in the intestine, can become lazy and end up preventing evacuation. See the main causes of constipation.

6. Consume probiotic foods

Probiotic foods are those rich in bacteria that are good for the gut, such as plain yogurt, kombucha and kefir. The bacteria in the intestinal flora help to process the dietary fibers and favor the formation of feces, helping against constipation. The ideal is to consume probiotics at least 3 times a week, and it may also be necessary to use probiotic pills that can be prescribed by the doctor or nutritionist. Learn about other benefits and other probiotic foods.

7. Avoid using laxatives

The frequent use of laxatives can worsen constipation, as the intestine becomes irritated and inflamed, impairing its proper functioning without the use of medication. In addition, laxatives alter the intestinal flora, which also worsens constipation and digestion. Know other risks of the continuous use of laxatives.

Another important tip is to know that the best time to try to go to the bathroom is after meals, as the intestine is active in digestion and this movement facilitates the passage of feces.

Natural recipe for constipation

A good natural remedy to cure constipation is the following fruit vitamin:


  • 1 cup of plain yogurt; 1 spoon of granola; 1 slice of papaya; 2 prunes.

Preparation: Beat all ingredients in a blender and drink next, preferably in the morning.

For children's constipation, a good recipe is to make orange juice whipped with papaya and give it to the child to drink every day. See other examples of home remedies for constipation.

7 surefire tips to end constipation