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Exercises to make your voice thicker


Exercises to thicken the voice should only be performed if there is a need. It is important for the person to reflect on whether he needs to have a lower voice, as he may not agree with the person or even hurt him, as some people may try to force their voice too much or shout.

These exercises must be performed under the supervision of a speech therapist, so that they are performed correctly and in order to avoid injuries. In addition, practicing exercises to improve diction can help to have a clearer and more accurate voice. See how to improve exercise diction.

1. Yawning emitting vowels

Before performing the exercises to increase the voice, the vocal cords must be warmed up first. For this, one of the exercises that can be done, which also helps to lower the larynx is to yawn with the sound of vowel A for example.

2. Suction with sound

Another exercise that can be done is to take a deep breath and then suck, as if it were a spaghetti string, avoiding too much effort, holding the air a little and in the end letting out the air by emitting an "Aaahh" or "Ooohh" sound. You should do 10 repetitions, rest and do 10 more, drinking a little water between each repetition and performing this exercise every day.

3. Make bass sounds

Another exercise that helps to deepen the voice is to emit the "oh oh oh" sounds in a lower tone than you can, repeating 10 times, and you can add a phrase at the end, between each repetition.

4. Imitate a specific sound

Take a deep breath and try to make the characteristic sound of blowing on a pipe. You should imitate that sound without worrying about making it sound too loud, trying to pay attention to the head vibration, and try to find this point, repeating 7 to 10 times, once a day.

Another way to adjust the voice is to try to speak in different tones of voice, projecting it and realizing that the voice is moldable and allows the person to speak in different tones.

Exercises to make your voice thicker