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How to prevent osteoporosis


The risk of osteoporosis can be reduced by changing eating and living habits, it is important to practice physical activity on a regular basis, in addition to increasing the consumption of foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, such as milk and dairy products, eggs and fatty fish., for example. In addition, it is recommended to be exposed to the sun for about 20 minutes in the hours of lower heat, without using sunscreen, so that a greater amount of vitamin D is produced by the body, directly interfering with bone health.

This care helps to keep the bones strong and to delay the loss of bone mass, preventing the onset of osteoporosis, which is usually more frequent after the age of 50 and is characterized by a decrease in bone mass, which results in greater fragility of the bones and increased risk of fractures. Learn how to identify the symptoms of osteoporosis.

How to prevent osteoporosis

The prevention of osteoporosis should be done throughout life, starting in childhood through the adoption of simple habits, such as:

  • Practicing physical activities, such as walking or running, since sedentary lifestyle favors the loss of bone mass. High-impact exercises, such as running, jumping, dancing and climbing stairs, for example, help to strengthen muscles, ligaments and joints, improving bone density. In addition, weight lifting exercises or on weight machines, promote the use of muscle strength, causing the strength of the tendons on the bones to increase the strength of the bone; Staying for 15 to 20 minutes exposed to the sun, without using sunscreen, as it stimulates the production of vitamin D, which is essential in the calcium absorption process; Stop smoking, as smoking is associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis; Decrease the consumption of alcoholic beverages, since alcohol consumption is related to the decrease in calcium by the body; Have a balanced diet, rich in dairy foods, such as milk, cheese and dairy products, as they are the main sources of calcium, in addition to the consumption of foods rich in vitamin D, such as egg, chicken liver and fatty fish, for example.

In the case of older people, it is important that the house is safe to avoid falls and reduce the risk of fractures, as it is normal for bone loss to occur during the aging process. Thus, it is recommended not to have rugs in the house and in the bathroom to put non-slip floors and protection bars.

Discover other tips to strengthen bones and prevent the onset of osteoporosis by watching this video from our nutritionist and physiotherapist:

What to eat to lower your risk of osteoporosis

The prevention of osteoporosis can also be done through food, which must be rich in calcium, which is a fundamental mineral for the skeletal formation process, in addition to ensuring bone strength and participating in muscle contraction processes, hormone release and blood clotting. The most recommended calcium-rich foods are skim milk, yogurt, dark green leafy vegetables, dried fruits and tofu, for example.

In addition to foods rich in calcium, it is important to have adequate consumption of vitamin D, as this vitamin is important to promote the absorption of calcium in the body. Foods rich in vitamin D that help prevent osteoporosis are eggs, cod liver oil or cooked salmon. Learn about other foods that help prevent osteoporosis.

As an alternative to food, you can take a supplement of calcium and vitamin D, under medical guidance, which can be purchased in pharmacies, health food stores or hypermarkets in the form of pills

See in the following video how to eat a calcium-rich diet to prevent osteoporosis:

How to prevent osteoporosis