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Complete pasty diet menu


The pasty diet has a soft consistency and, therefore, it is indicated, mainly, after surgeries in the digestive system, such as gastroplasty or bariatric surgery, for example. In addition, this diet facilitates the entire digestion process because it reduces the effort of the intestine to digest food.

In addition to cases of surgery, this diet is also used in patients with difficulties in chewing or swallowing food due to inflammation or sores in the mouth, use of dental prosthesis, severe mental retardation or in case of diseases such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), for example.

Foods allowed in the pasty diet

The foods allowed in the pasty diet are unshelled cereals, fruits and vegetables, eggs, fish or poultry meat that can be pureed, liquefied or mashed, such as:

  • Cornstarch porridge, oats or rice cream; Mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots or fruit and vegetable juice; All fruits in puree form, without skin or strained fruit juice; Milk, beaten yogurt, cottage cheese or mashed ricotta; Meats, fish and poultry in the form of mashed or shredded, without skin; Soft scrambled or poached eggs, in the form of puree; Gelatin, ice cream, jam, honey, pudding; Butter, sour cream, olive oil and coconut.

The pasty diet is more attractive and better tolerated when foods are placed in the pasty consistency separately, instead of all mixed together.

Forbidden foods in the pasty diet

Foods banned in the pasty diet are hard, crunchy and dry foods. Some examples are dried fruits such as chestnuts and peanuts, coconut, cookies and foods that are difficult to digest, such as breaded, fried or sausage foods, such as sausage, sausage and ham.

Yogurt with pieces of fruit, fruit with bagasse and peel, raw leafy vegetables and seed foods are also not recommended. See more about Food after bariatric surgery.

Pasty diet menu

The following table shows an example of a 3-day pasty diet menu:

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast Oatmeal 1 natural yogurt smoothie with fruit and 1 col of peanut butter avocado vitamin
Morning snack 1 mashed banana with 1 shallow peanut paste 1 glass of juice 1 cooked apple
Lunch dinner ground beef soup beaten in a blender mashed potatoes with shredded fish and mashed boiled carrots + 1 glass of juice porridge rice, bean broth and shredded chicken + gelatin
Afternoon snack 1 yogurt + 1 mashed boiled egg papaya vitamin couscous dissolved in milk + 1 boiled egg

The amount and type of food to be added to the pasty diet varies with each case, and the ideal is that this diet is accompanied by a health professional, such as a nutritionist.

Bread Pudding Recipe

Bread pudding is simple to make and can be used in snacks, for example.


  • 1 shallow teaspoon of cinnamon powder1 teaspoon of sugar1 pinch of salt1 slice of chopped breadHalf cup of milk1 lightly beaten egg2 drops of vanilla essence

Method of preparation:

Mix the cinnamon and sugar. Grease a small pan with a little butter or oil. Sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar mixture on the bottom of the pan and add the chopped bread. In another container, mix the milk with the egg, vanilla and salt. Then pour the mixture over the bread, mixing well. Put this mixture in the pan and bake in a water bath for approximately 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean from the center of the pudding.

Cream of vegetables and chicken

This cream is easy to digest and can be used for lunch or dinner.


  • 3 medium potatoes2 mandioquinhas or baroa potatoes2 small carrots1 small onion500 g of shredded chicken breastGreen oilOlive oil3 garlic clovesSalt to tasteGrated cheese or grated mozzarella (optional)

Method of preparation:

Peel and cut the vegetables. Place the oil and garlic in a pressure cooker, then add the cut vegetables and onion cream. Cover with boiling water until the vegetables are completely covered and cover the pan.

Leave on pressure for 8 minutes and remove. After opening the pan, remove the vegetables with the broth and beat in a blender for 2 minutes.

In a pan, sauté the chicken breast with salt to taste, oil and onion. Pour the broth on top of the chicken and stir well, turning off the heat and sprinkling a green smell on top. If necessary, beat the chicken mixture in a blender as well. Then serve with grated cheese (optional).

Banana smoothie

The banana smoothie can be used as a cold and refreshing snack, which also kills the craving for sweets.


  • We have a wide range of products to choose from, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

Method of preparation:

Remove the banana from the freezer and let the ice lose for about 10 to 15 minutes, or place the frozen slices in the microwave for 15 seconds, to make it easier to beat. Beat all the ingredients in the blender or with the hand mixer.

Complete pasty diet menu