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Foods prohibited in treatment with radioactive iodine


The iodine-free diet is usually done during thyroid cancer treatment, and should be started about two weeks before iodine therapy. Some foods that should be avoided until the end of treatment with radioactive iodine are saltwater fish, seafood and egg yolk.

Restriction of iodine in the diet is necessary so that thyroid cells, including tumor cells, which may have remained in the body after surgery, become hungry for iodine. Thus, when radioactive iodine, or iodine 131, enters the body, the malignant cells absorb enough iodine and end up dying, thus completing the treatment of the disease.

Prohibited Foods

Foods prohibited during iodine treatment are those rich in iodine, containing more than 20 micrograms of iodine per serving, such as:

  • Iodized salt, being necessary to look on the label to make sure that the salt does not contain added iodine; Industrialized snacks; Saltwater fish and seaweed, including the seaweed that comes with sushi ; Seafood such as shrimp, lobster, seafood, oyster, squid, octopus, crab; Food additives of sea origin, such as carrageenans, agar-agar, algin, sodium alginate, nori; Processed meat such as ham, turkey breast, bologna, sausage, sausage, meat from the sun, bacon; Soy and derivatives, such as tofu, soy milk, soy sauces; Egg yolk, egg sauces, salad dressings, mayonnaise; Hydrogenated fat and products manufactured with it, such as ready-made cookies and cakes; Vegetable oils of soy, coconut, palm, peanuts; Diced spices, ketchup , mustard, Worcestershire sauce; Milk and dairy products, such as yogurt, curd, cheeses in general, butter, sour cream, whey protein , casein and foods containing milk products; Sweets containing milk or egg yolk; Pasta: bread, cheese bread, bakery products in general that contain salt or eggs, crackers and toast that contain salt or eggs, stuffed cookies and breakfast cereals; Canned or syrup fruit and powdered or processed juice; Vegetables: watercress, celery, brussels sprouts, cabbage and canned goods, such as olives, hearts of palm, pickles, corn and peas; Beverages: mate tea, green tea, black tea, instant or instant coffee and cola-based soft drinks; Dyes: avoid processed foods, pills and capsules in red, orange and brown.

These foods will not be banned for life, only during the treatment of the disease.

Moderate consumption foods

These foods contain a moderate iodine content, ranging from 5 to 20 micrograms per serving.

  • Fresh meat: up to 170 g per day of meat such as chicken, beef, pork, sheep and veal; Grains and cereals: unsalted bread, unsalted toast, water and flour cracker, pasta without egg, rice, oats, barley, flour, corn and wheat. These foods should be limited to 4 servings per day, each serving equivalent to about 2 mouthfuls of pasta or 1 bread per day; Rice: 4 servings of rice per day are also allowed, with the best variation being basmati rice. Each serving has about 4 tablespoons of rice.

The content and iodine in these foods varies according to the place of cultivation and the way of preparing them for consumption, being always more advantage to cook and produce meals at home instead of eating out or buying ready-made food at the supermarket.

Allowed Foods

To replace prohibited foods during iodine treatment, the following foods should be preferred:

  • Non-iodized salt; Freshwater fish; Egg white; Legumes: beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas; Fats: corn oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, unsalted margarine; Sweets: sugar, honey, jelly, gelatin, candies and fruit ice creams without red coloring; Seasonings: garlic, pepper, onion, parsley, chives and fresh or dehydrated natural herbs; Fresh, dried fruits or natural juices, except marrakesh cherries; Drinks: non-instant coffees and teas, soft drinks without red dye # 3; Homemade popcorn without salt.

These foods are those that can be consumed in the two weeks preceding the treatment of iodotherapy, or according to the time recommended by the doctor.

Iodine-free diet menu

The following table shows an example of a 3-day menu of the iodine preparation diet:

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast filter coffee + 1 tapioca with chicken 1 cup filter coffee + couscous with ground beef oat porridge made with almond milk
Morning snack 1 mashed or cooked fruit + 1 col of oat soup 1 glass of green juice 1 fruit + 10 cashew nuts
Lunch dinner 4 col of rice + 2 col of beans + chicken in homemade tomato sauce + lettuce, tomato and carrot salad sauteed vegetables - eggplant, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, onions - seasoned with olive oil, oregano and non-iodized salt (river) fish in the oven with olive oil and roasted potatoes or Tati zucchini pasta with tomato and oregano or basil
Afternoon snack 1 glass of mango juice + sweet starch biscuit (unsalted) Papaya smoothie made with coconut milk Avocado made with oat milk and honey

In addition to food care, during preparation for treatment it is also necessary to avoid some medicines that contain iodine and cosmetic products such as nail polish, hair dye and suntan lotions. See more about the other precautions and the effects of radioactive iodine on the body.

Check out these and other tips in the following video:

Foods prohibited in treatment with radioactive iodine