Home Bulls How the hair implant works, price and when to do it

How the hair implant works, price and when to do it


The hair implant, also called hair transplant, is a surgical technique widely used to treat baldness in men or women, and consists of:

  1. Remove part of the patient's own hair, usually from the nape of the neck; Separate the hair units to be implanted, preserving the capillary roots, andImplant hair by hair in the areas without hair.

Hair implant surgery is usually performed by a dermatological surgeon under local anesthesia, and approximately 2, 000 hairs can be implanted in each session, which takes between 8 to 12 hours.

In some cases, artificial hair can also be used, especially if the person has thin hair in the regions where it would be necessary to harvest the new hair strands.

Although it is a slow treatment, due to the speed of hair growth, the final result can already be seen after about 6 months, especially in men.

Implant price

The price of the hair implant varies between 10 and 50 thousand reais per surgery, and may require up to 2 surgeries, with an interval of about 1 year between them, in the most severe cases.

Why the hair implant works

The hair implant has a high success rate in curing baldness because the implanted hair is collected from the sides and the back of the head, which makes them less sensitive to the action of the hormone testosterone.

Generally, people with high levels of this hormone are at increased risk of baldness, especially in the most frontal area of ​​the head due to the sensitivity of these hairs. When implanting, the sensitivity decreases and, therefore, hair is less likely to fall out again.

When you can do the implant

The hair implant can be done in almost all cases of baldness, both in men and women over 20 years. However, it is important to have sufficient capillary density to allow hair to be collected from one region and placed in another. When this does not happen, the surgery can bring bad results or the doctor can advise the use of artificial hair, for example.

In the case of people with a medical history of high blood pressure, arrhythmia, infarction or diabetes, for example, it is only important to be more careful with anesthesia, and it is important to inform the doctor about illnesses that you have.

How the hair implant works, price and when to do it