Home Symptoms How to tell if your child is hyperactive

How to tell if your child is hyperactive


Hyperactivity, also known as Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, represented by the acronym ADHD, usually manifests itself before the age of 7, through behaviors that the child has, such as frequently shaking hands or squirming in the chair when he is sitting, for example.

It is very common for hyperactivity to be confused with nervousness, fear or agitation and, therefore, it is important for parents to be aware of the child's behavior and to be able to identify signs of hyperactivity.

Signs of hyperactivity in the child

Signs that may indicate that the child is hyperactive include:

  1. He cannot sit for a long time, moving around in his chair; He does not seem to pay attention to what is said; He has difficulty following an order or instruction, even if he has understood it; He talks a lot, excessively and cannot keep silent, interrupting conversations; has difficulty paying attention and being concentrated at home and at school; is distracted very easily; has difficulty losing objects; has difficulty playing quietly and with only one object; changes tasks, leaving the previous one for do; can't stand waiting for his turn, being able to speak the answer even before the question or for other colleagues to answer; playing or doing something more dangerous, because he doesn't think about the consequences.

Given these signs, parents should take the child to a behavioral psychologist or pediatrician, or pediatrician, to assess the child, diagnose the problem and indicate the appropriate treatment. See this test for hyperactivity that can help you decide when to consult a professional and start treatment: Test for ADHD (Hyperactivity).

How to treat hyperactivity in children

The treatment of hyperactivity in children can be done with medicines prescribed by the pediatrician and with behavioral therapy and relaxation techniques guided by a psychologist to help control the symptoms.

Parents are also important in the treatment, as they can help the child to control the disease and symptoms by adopting some strategies, such as creating regular schedules, for example.

Learn how to help your child: Treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Hyperactivity test

Answer the following questions and find out if your child may be hyperactive and what to do:

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Find out if your child is hyperactive.

Start the test

Are you rubbing your hands, feet or squirming in your chair?
  • Yes No

Is the child messy and leaves everything out of place?
  • Yes No

Is it difficult for her to stand and watch a movie until the end?
  • Yes No

Does she seem not to listen when you talk to her and leave you talking to yourself?
  • Yes No

Is it too agitated and comes up on furniture or cabinets even when it is totally inappropriate?
  • Yes No
Doesn't she like calm and serene activities like Yoga class or meditation?
  • Yes No

Does she have a hard time waiting for her turn and pass in front of others?
  • Yes No

Do you have any difficulty staying seated for more than 1 hour?
  • Yes No

Are you easily distracted at school, or when you talk to her?
  • Yes No

Are you very agitated when listening to music or are you in a new environment with many people?
  • Yes No

Does the child like to be hurt by scratches or bites by doing this on purpose?
  • Yes No

Does the child have difficulty following the instructions that another person gives?
  • Yes No

Does the child have difficulty paying attention at school and is even distracted by a game he likes a lot?
  • Yes No

Does the child have difficulty completing one task because he is distracted and immediately starts another?
  • Yes No

Does the child find it difficult to play in a quiet and peaceful way?
  • Yes No

Does the child talk a lot?
  • Yes No

Does the child usually interrupt or disturb others?
  • Yes No

Does the child seem not to hear what is being said, often?
  • Yes No

Are you always missing out on things needed for tasks or activities at school or at home?
  • Yes No

Does the child like to participate in dangerous activities without considering the possible consequences?
  • Yes No

How to tell if your child is hyperactive